Trent Richardson talks Ravens, Moochers and Obesity
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Trent Richardson Talks Moochers
As Trent Richardson gets ready for what surely will be his last shot at a decent NFL career with the Ravens, he has opened up about what has derailed him as a pro.
Richardson has an unofficial agreement with Baltimore that will be signed as soon as he reaches certain physical benchmarks…most importantly, reaching a specific weight.
The former Alabama star recently talked publicly about how he let himself get lazy once he was in the NFL.
Richardson said workouts were scheduled much more rigidly in college than in the League. And with the onus on him to get proper conditioning, he says he simply let himself go.
It’s easy to clown a guy for blowing his chance at a dream job in the NFL, but he’s not the first human to let himself go because he couldn’t motivate himself. Look around and you’ll see tons of folks in need of a personal trainer to whip them back into shape.
According to the CDC, over 78 million American adults are obese!
Richardson just happened to get fat and happy on a very public stage. People notice when a former Heisman winner starts packing on the pounds. Hal from accounting can still do his job even if he ends up at 400 pounds.
And no one expects much from Hal anyway.
Besides being unable to motivate himself, Richardson says that moochers were part of his issues that led to his NFL career nearly flaming out. He says family and so called friends had their hands out constantly.
Richardson claims he paid for about $60,000 in funeral bills for those close enough to him to ask for help.
For future reference, cremation is cheaper Trent.
He also says some of the leeches in his inner circle had the gall to complain about a week long trip to Disney World that he paid for in full. And of course, he bought cars for people as well.
I’d love to have .00001% of the money that NFLers have spent on cars for moochers that happen to be lucky enough to be close to athletes who make it to the pros.
How would these worthless hangers-on get from point A to point B if not for their talented friends who land a decent contract in the NFL?
If you’ve ever had a family member borrow money from you on a semi-regular basis, you know it can be annoying. So imagine it happening each and every month. Maybe even every week.
Richardson says the stress of handing money out left and right took a toll on him mentally when he should have been focusing more on his craft. Hard to concentrate on blocking schemes when Cousin Jeff is blowing up your phone looking for help with his mortgage that’s four months late because his lottery system isn’t working out.
There’s no one to blame but Trent Richardson himself for allowing moochers to take his focus off football. A few blunt, “Hell no I’m not giving you money, go get a job,” responses would have warded off the dreaded leech problem. But he was just 22 years old when he entered the League and received 13 million dollars for scratching his name on the dotted line.
Most 22 years olds are idiots, kinda reckless, and terrible with money. So his actions were about par for the course when it came to doing what was best for his future.
It would be nice if colleges did a better job of educating young people about how to handle money. Especially athletes who are likely to enter the professional ranks. Since universities are not willing to pay these “student athletes,” the least they could do is prepare them to handle the money once they are allowed to participate in capitalism.
Hopefully, Richardson has learned his lesson when it comes to self-motivation and saying no to moochers. He’s made an estimated $18 million dollars so far in the NFL, but only he knows how much is left out of that lotto hit.
It’s certain there are no more outrageous signing bonuses coming his way. He will be fortunate to make the Ravens roster, even at a discount. Buck Allen proved himself a talented runner last year and Justin Forsett, who led the League in yards per carry in 2014, will be back to 100 percent as well.
No one in the NFL cares if Richardson turns his career around or not. There are plenty of other running backs willing to run through a brick wall just to make the team. It’s on him to push himself to get back to the level that made him a top three pick.
None of those moochers will be there in the weight room or on the treadmill with Richardson. They’ll be sleeping till noon waiting on someone else to provide for them.
If this last opportunity doesn’t pan out, Trent Richardson will eventually have to get another gig.
Or maybe he can just hang out at Alabama, cozying up to the next high profile running back. Then maybe just do some mooching himself for a change.
The post Trent Richardson talks Ravens, Moochers and Obesity appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Shane Mclendon