Susie Lee talks ‘Supernatural’ Family Feud and her restless ghost
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Susie Lee plays Elizabeth, a teacher who is targeted by a restless ghost, in Supernatural’s Family Feud. Susie has also appeared in Frequency, Fringe, Imaginary Mary and When We Rise. She has also been in many, many commercials, including those for BC Children’s Hospital, Miller Lite and Dairy Queen, just to name a few.
Where was the private school scene filmed? I absolutely love that library.
In Vancouver. In a studio in Vancouver.
They actually made a studio just for that one scene?
I don’t know if they’ve actually used that library in other episodes; you know what, they actually just built it for this one, because it was in a private school. So they just built it for this scene. Because that was where we were at – it was marking papers in the private school. They built it just for that scene.
That’s pretty cool.
It was really cool. Unfortunately, you didn’t get to see the other side – it was just a complete library. It was really fantastic.
There was one part of the scene where you are looking at a student of the month plaque and above it is a mirror. I thought that was interesting, is there any specific meaning to that or …
That’s a really great observation.
I thought it was interesting.
I heard that the guys who were doing the set design – I think that they were joking – this is what I was hearing before – they were joking around that they were student of the year because they were the ones that were in charge, basically, doing the set design and I think maybe they put that underneath or something.
What did you enjoy most about working on Supernatural?
I think the thing that I loved the most was that I was able to be on set for three days, which was really fantastic, I really loved being on set for three days. I find that every set that I work on people, like the crew especially, are just so friendly – these guys have worked together – this is their 12th season – so definitely they do call themselves a Supernatural family. But you really feel it when you do go in. You really feel the sense of camaraderie, just the closeness there is between them, you can sense that. I think, to me, observing that was really great. Interacting with them was really fantastic, I also think just being, just the nature of the show because there are so many special effects, I thought that one of the coolest parts was to be able to – because they’re going to do some of that in postproduction — so I thought that it was really neat to see some of the guys come on set to say okay, you’re going to do this because in postproduction we’re going to put this in. It was really interesting to be able to still act it out knowing that they’re going to be putting that in later, so I think maybe that was my most favorite part was just the special effects — we had to navigate what we were doing on set to what they were going to do in postproduction, that it was going to match. So I think, for me, I would probably say that was my most favorite, was that … and then I had a stunt double, and she was able to get knocked against the wall, the bookshelf … so that was another cool aspect of it too because she was rigged up and it was just really interesting to see someone else do that, but it would look like it was me. I’m always interested in things like that, behind-the-scenes, the what goes on … I think that’s always been kind of my interest. So I think by far, probably, to answer your question, that would be my most favorite, was the special effects and stunts.
Do you have any current projects you are working on?
There’s a few pilots that are going to be airing, like The Rise was aired on Feb. 28, I had a part in that; and then Imaginary Mary is another pilot that is going to be airing soon. Frequency just aired a couple of months ago, I was a New York police officer for that one, and I was right in the front of the scene … . I was on set for a couple of weeks for commercials, but I’m just superbusy now, just auditioning for a lot of pilots. I have one tomorrow, I had one yesterday, and I have one on Thursday, so that’s been superbusy, just gearing up for the pilot season.
The post Susie Lee talks ‘Supernatural’ Family Feud and her restless ghost appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Carol