No More Risky Business With 3M™ Privacy Filters & Screen Protectors
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This post brought to you by 3M. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Movie TV Tech Geeks.

Today, privacy is something that is hard to come by, whether you’re on the internet or out in public. We know that when we are online, our steps are watched by advertisers, spammers and anyone else looking to sell us something; many times things we don’t want.
When you’re in public places, other people have that tendency to glance over to see what you’re looking at on your smartphone, tablet or laptop, and it can be frustrating. Worse was when you are flying on an airplane and the person sitting next to you just couldn’t resist reading what you’re writing.
I went through all this, up until about six months ago when 3M changed everything for both me and all of the writers here at Movie TV Tech Geeks. With just a simple filter to put on the screen of either your smartphone, tablet or laptop, you no longer have to worry about those pesky eyes. Especially since we have now become a two-time award winning site that has broken several large stories, more eyes are watching us, and having this privacy is truly a life saver.
They look simple enough, but the 3M Privacy Filters & Screen Protectors change everything and allow you to work in public without any worry of someone getting our writers scoop or just being plain nosy. What others see is just a dark blank screen. This filter prevents any visual hackers from seeing your screen. These are people who watch for those that check their bank accounts and can see what keys you use for your password. It sounds unbelievable, but these are very sophisticated hackers who know what they’re doing, and they know your vulnerabilities.

“A visual hacker may only need one piece of valuable information to unlock a large-scale data breach”, according to 3M Visual Hacking Experiment from the Ponemon Institute, Sponsored by 3M Company. According to one study, “two-thirds of working professionals display sensitive information on mobile devices outside the office. (Thomson, Herbert H, Ph.D. “Visual Data Breach Risk Assessment Study.” 2010. People Consulting Services, commissioned by 3M.) Learn More About Visual Hacking
That’s enough to get you to invest a small amount of money into this filter. You don’t have to have a large company to do this either. If you value your privacy and want to keep your private information private, it is something you should seriously consider.
3M Privacy Filters & Screen Protectors really do prevent visual hackers from getting their eyes on your sensitive data and confidential information easily displayed on your mobile devices and desktop screens. You’ll be able to see everything perfectly while those beside you only get a black or gold screen to enjoy. That’s protection we all can enjoy. Request a Sample
With so many websites getting hacked, this filter is a blessing as visual hackers are also looking for people logging into their sites (usually WordPress), and once they see your password, they can just access your database and do as they wish with it. Sound implausible? Just ask Ashley Madison how they feel about more security for their site.
Once we tested it on our computers here at our main office, we knew that all of our writers needed this. So, we ordered a bunch and made sure everyone’s devices are secure with the privacy filter. They’ve commented how much better they feel about being able to write that breaking story at an airport without having to worry about someone reading it over their shoulder, and that’s a big load off for us as we can send our writers anywhere to write now without any worries. Can you say that about your business?
If you can, that’s great, but if you can’t, the 3M Privacy Filters & Screen Protectors will give you some first line defense security that is a great sense of relief. Learn More About 3M Privacy Products
The post No More Risky Business With 3M™ Privacy Filters & Screen Protectors appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Curt Johnson