Miley Cyrus Does Disney While Blake Shelton Goes West & Miranda Lambert Goes Anderson East
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Although Miley Cyrus has spent the past couple of years embracing her revitalized, rebellious self, she is still reminiscing about her Disney days.
It was back in 2012 when Miley began changing up her look, as she cut her locks shorter and shorter. Eventually, she ended up with her now infamous platinum blonde pixie cut and began embracing a more liberated and spontaneous wardrobe.
On Monday, Miley took to Instagram to share a throwback and respond to the numerous followers that claim to miss the “old Miley.” In a series of posts, Miley seemed to insinuate that she isn’t quite in the same boat, as she went to mock her Hannah Montana days.
Alongside a picture of her as a longhaired, tanned young pop princess, Miley sarcastically captioned, “I miss the old Miley lol lol lol lol lol.”
Miley Cyrus, Instagram post:
Shortly after, Miley posted another picture from her Disney days where she is seen again donning her previously signature long brown locks and heavily tanned skin. She playfully captioned, “When haters say they miss the old me (ps some of ya’ll r f***innnn cray cray! I look like cousin it f***ed a clementine!) #imisstheoldmiley” Evidently, the new Miley doesn’t quite approve of her former dolled-up appearance.
Lastly, Miley decided to yet again pay tribute to her former Disney days, with a side beside comparison of her now and then. In the collage, Miley is seen in both pictures dancing in relatively the same provocative way.
Miley Cyrus, Instagram posts:

I think everyone can admit that there truly isn’t anyone in Hollywood quite like Miley Cyrus. Although she is constantly stirring up controversy, she continues to be incredibly (and quite frankly admirably) outspoken and open about being true to herself. Basically, she’s just being Miley.
While they are no longer touring around Oklahoma or catching a football game in Arizona, new couple Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are still managing to make time for each other back in Los Angeles. On Monday, the two Voice coaches decided to hit up the Mosby Winery and Vineyard in Santa Barbara. Reportedly, Gwen, Blake and another couple were seen laughing and having a great time as they went on a wine-tasting tour.
Despite only being there for about half an hour, the couple made a good impression on fellow guests and apparently were “appropriately” affectionate with one another while in public. A fellow guest claims that Blake and Gwen “seemed very happy together,” and they were both very “sweet and delightful” with everyone at the Vineyard.
Meanwhile, it looks like Blake’s ex Miranda Lambert wants to keep tabs on Blake’s new girl, as she just recently began following Gwen on Twitter. Fans were quick to notice that Miranda added Gwen to the list of around 230 people she follows on the social media platform. At this point, many are speculating this to be a peace offering from Miranda to Gwen, as Miranda has reportedly moved on to fellow musician Anderson East.
Nonetheless, whether Miranda likes it or not, she will most likely be bombarded by Gwen’s Blake-related posts now that she has decided to follow the singer.
The post Miley Cyrus Does Disney While Blake Shelton Goes West & Miranda Lambert Goes Anderson East appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Ricki Reay