‘Love & Hip Hop Atlanta’ 505 Watch your back and your messy self
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Here we go on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta appropriately titles “Watch Your Back.” Joseline wreaks havoc on everyone, and I’m sure it has everything to do with the fact that she has no real talent. I mean the show had to give her some kind of storyline and for the record, this one right here, blackmailing people, is whack! But I digress. Now on to the recap of this week’s episode.
It picks up with Karlie Redd telling Joseline about herself during their “sit down” at the bar. For once, I am on her side as she tells the trick how evil she is for blackmailing her. Joseline claims that she is not an evil person, but has to look out for herself. Karlie doesn’t buy it and tells her that she is a horrible person. “So we’re still beefing, okay.”
Rasheeda intervenes in Kirk and Scrappy’s issue. During her step daughter’s “show” she ambushes both of them and essentially tells them to play nice. They get how they feel out in the open, and Kirk finally sees why Scrappy the way that he does. They “kiss,” make up and things are all good between these two once again.
For her party, Joseline goes all out for her video release event. She invites EVERYONE, and it’s all a part of her master plan to let bitches know who she is. Who are you again? While looking at the space for the venue with her husband Stevie J, KK joins them. The Puerto Rican Princess uses this moment to bring up some dirt she found on her man and his “sister.” Joseline claims that she knows the two of them used to sleep together years ago. They deny it, and while KK brushes it off, she says during her confessional that her brother’s wife has one more time to accuse her of something before she stops playing nice.
Speaking of accusing people, Tommie is a crazy woman. She barges into Scraps house based on the information she received from Joseline that her man has another woman living with him. The girl makes a fool of herself (in sexy lingerie and all) and then leaves out saying she’s finished with everyone.
Scrap, not really knowing what to do, is encouraged by his brother to speak to his mother about making things right with Tiarra. KK vehemently refuses to, and nothing either one of her sons has to say can change her mind.
Then there is Mimi, and she is actually cool with Joseline. I mean, they go shopping for furniture for her new house and all. Their newfound “relationship” doesn’t take away from the fact that Joseline is still messy. She pulls out an envelope with information on KK’s criminal activity and hands it to Mimi. A bit concerned with what she reads, Mimi is ultimately unimpressed because it just shows her that Joseline is still the same tired, messy person. Oh, by the way, she invites Mimi and Chris (who isn’t really feeling it) to her party.
Now, even though she and Joseline are cool, Mimi decides against inviting the woman to her housewarming. The gathering consists of Rasheeda, Tammy, Jessica Dime, Tiarra, and Ariane, all people who don’t fuck with Joseline, except Tiarra, who doesn’t know her. None of these ladies plan on going to her party. Especially after Karlie arrives and tells them about the blackmailing situation. She swallows her pride and admits to the girls that they were right about Joseline all along. She should have listened to them.
In the end, things are ready to pop off at Joseline’s video release party. Mimi and Chris show up, and the first thing this trick says is Chris is ugly. “I thought that she was going to have a cuter girlie, girlie… Because if I was serious about being in a relationship with a woman you better believe the bitch is gonna be looking like me.” Then when Mimi says, “This is my girlfriend,” Joseline says, “But I thought I was your girlfriend” and things just go south from there. The face that Chris tried to put on for the sake of her girl quickly fades, and she throws her defenses up without hesitation. Chris already doesn’t like Joseline because of the stories she heard about her beating up Mimi, so it’s nothing for her to show her true feelings.
And it looks like that’s exactly what happens next week. Tommie also shows up to the party yelling at someone. I think it’s Joseline, but we won’t know for sure until the next episode.
The post ‘Love & Hip Hop Atlanta’ 505 Watch your back and your messy self appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: The Curvy Girl Diva