Josh Duggar family not so sure of his cure & Amber Rose ‘Free the Nipple’ campaign hits
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Oprah’s longtime companion Gayle King jumps in to dispel Tyler Perry beef, Josh Duggar’s family aren’t feeling so safe with his sex rehab and Amber Rose takes on another campaign which is getting some aroused.
Gayle King Clears up Oprah and Tyler Perry “Beef.”
If you have been wondering about the rift that supposedly exists between media mogul Oprah Winfrey and filmmaker Tyler Perry, you don’t have to wonder any longer. Oprah’s longtime gal pal Gayle King set the record straight on Instagram. She took a picture of an online article about the beef and posted this,
“Huh? Just reading @Oprah & @tylerperry are angry w/each other & not speaking if that’s true (it”ain’t”)must have just happened 10 min ago!”
Tyler Perry and Oprah are rumored to be on the frits due to creative differences and Tyler being a diva. As many of the stories go, Oprah approached him about hiring new writers; he told her to “fuck off” (or something like that). The articles vary from the two not speaking for nearly a year to Oprah not inviting Tyler to her Christmas party.
Regardless of what’s out there, Gayle and I am sure O and T, want you guys to know they are good.

Josh Duggar Extended Family Turns on Him?
Think about it. If you had a cousin or family member that is a notorious liar and child molester, would you want your kids around him?
Josh Duggar, the man who probably had the worst year ever in 2015, has learned just how hard it can get when you do nasty little things. Reportedly, many of his extended family do not want him around their children. According to the International Business Times, Josh Duggar’s “family members are rumored to be having a hard time trusting Josh Duggar post-rehab.” Now really, how jaw-dropping is that?
The pedophile has completed his rehab program, at a Christian facility of course, and while that’s nice to hear, many of his family still aren’t comfortable with and around him. A source told In Touch Weekly,
“There are people in the extended family who definitely won’t bring their children near Josh… “Who would want their kids around him after all he’s done?”
Apparently, they feel that there is “still a danger” with Josh. While his kinfolk may deem him unfit, his parents Jim Bo and Michelle, don’t seem to be phased by the situation at all. They believe their son has changed and are moving forward with the family.

Amber Rose Fight to Free The Nipple
Sometimes, I have to really hand it to Amber Rose. She went from being a very successful stripper, to an even more successful champion of all things good and lucrative.
The girl is proud of her body (who wouldn’t be) and does not understand why she can’t bare it for all to see on social media. Even in an artistic way. She posted a photo on Instagram of her in a white fur covering with her nipple showing. As we all know, no nips are allowed on the Gram. But Twitter, however, is a different story.
Amber’s fight for women to freely show their bodies is ongoing. And whenever she has a chance, she makes that known.
USA Today caught up with Amber for an interview in which she has some tips on dealing with the haters.
“I would say try your hardest to take the high road all the time. Put yourselves in somebody else’s shoes. I mean, like, if you look at my Instagram comments, a lot of them are really negative… and I can clap back at those people all day, but I’m just like, ‘It’s not worth it.’ The people who love me love me, and I’m cool with that.”
In the interview, Amber also talked about #freethenipple and how important it is for the whole world to undertstand.
“The reasons why we can’t have our breasts anywhere is because men feel we’re enticing them when really we’re not. You know, men can walk around with their shirts off… but we can’t do that because they look at us as it being too provocative or sexual when really it’s just a body.”
Amber Rose doesn’t care what you call her. She knows who she is, and that’s all that matters.
The post Josh Duggar family not so sure of his cure & Amber Rose ‘Free the Nipple’ campaign hits appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: The Curvy Girl Diva