Jodi Zulueta talks Eldwenne and how ‘Supernatural’ changed her life
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Welcome to those few months in between seasons of Supernatural – also known as hellatus. During these long months, I hope to be keeping Movie TV Tech Geeks readers somewhat distracted with stories from some of the most fans in our family – and some people not as well known, but who deserve to be highlighted as well. We’ll start off with Jodi Zulueta, the lovely lady behind Eldwenne’s Fantasy.
We’re not looking to do marketing, we would just love to be able to share stories of how Supernatural has made positive changes in people’s lives.
How did you get addicted – er, involved – with Supernatural?
Looong story – I have a degree in art but wound up working in the financial industry for over 20 years. I had my jewelry business, but it was a side thing. I was laid off and decided I would relax a bit before jumping back into work, so I discovered Netflix. ALL downhill from there!
What does the SPN family mean to you?
I’ve said this so many times before and I’ll say it until the cows come home – the best friends in my life were made through this fandom. During difficult times, I know at any time I can reach out to not only my best friends, but just out into social media, tag #SPNFamily, and get so much love and support from people I’ve never even met, but because we all share this common bond with Supernatural, we’re there for each other.
I love being able to help others as well – I set up an FB page where people that are going through financial hardships but want my jewelry, they post a piece that they’d like and someone can buy it for them. The person that buys it for them receives a one time 25% off code from me as a thank you for their generosity. I love this family!
But then there’s also Supernatural Changed My Life – which it absolutely did. Because of it I now have a career I’ve always dreamed of – creating, traveling, meeting amazing people, being my own boss. I wanted to capture the joy Supernatural has brought me and have the piece emanate with that.
Where did the name “Eldwenne” come from?
It’s gonna sound cornball, but I actually had a dream where I was in the Middle Ages and everyone in the dream kept referring to me as “Eldwenne.” It just felt right and I didn’t even question it.
I had never heard of it before. It resonated so strongly with me, as I almost NEVER remember my dreams and I remembered everything with such vivid detail – I decided to use it for my fantasy – to own my own jewelry design business, hence, Eldwenne’s Fantasy.

Jodi will have a table at all of the U.S. Supernatural Creation conventions, including Phoenix, Chicago, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, New Jersey, Hawaii, Minneapolis and San Francisco.
If you have a story of how Supernatural or the #SPNFamily has changed your life and helped you through a tough time drop me a line at or DM me @CarolHansson.
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