Infowars Alex Jones paints himself into corner with lawsuit
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Alex Jones is learning that words do matter after all. His idol, Donald Trump, may have taught him otherwise, but the Infowars owner and host is learning that trying to beat a child custody lawsuit has repercussions with his very devoted audience.
His ex-wife Kelly Jones (sometimes aka Violet Jones) is suing Jones for sole custody as she doesn’t want their children exposed to his over the top rants. His comments about wanting Jennifer Lopez to get “gang raped” in Somalia and online threats to Rep. Adam Schiff have her concerned. His lawyer tried to defend his client by claiming that it’s all an act what he does online and in his documentaries. All those over the top crazy rants are just an act.
Jones quickly learned that this declaration doesn’t sit well with his audience who believe that everything he says comes from the heart. Sound familiar? It’s a little how all those diehard Donald Trump supporters feel.
Violet Jones is not letting him slip through with this claim and is arguing that he is the same at home as he is on the air.
Here a few of the odd and interesting things that happened at their custody hearing:
Jones claims chili affects his memory, and thus was the culprit behind him forgetting details about his young children.
During deposition, Jones couldn't remember kids' teachers' names, said "it will pop in my head, I ate too much chili."
— dan solo (@dansolomon) April 20, 2017
.@RealAlexJones @StephenAtHome @glennbeck @joerogan Full mind eraser chili deposition quote:
atty: "does chili affect your memory?"
Jones: "big bowl of chili sure does yeah"— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) April 20, 2017
Marijuana is too strong these days because of billionaire financier George Soros.
Alex Jones testifies he smokes marijuana to “monitor its strength,” adds it’s now too strong because of George Soros
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) April 20, 2017
Jones can allegedly be found frequently drunk and shirtless.
"Kelly Jones’ attorney argued (Alex) is fond of disrobing off air as well, including during counseling sessions."
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) April 18, 2017
He’s still bitter that his 9/11 truther theories never garnered a Pulitzer award.
Another classic Alex Jones riff caught on tape. Grousing that he never got Pulitzer – don't even want that – for telling truth about 9/11.
— jonathantilove (@JTiloveTX) April 18, 2017
Jones was formally diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.
Case manager says Alex Jones was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.
— Roque Planas (@RoqPlanas) April 19, 2017

Right-wing radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones testified Wednesday that he’s sincere in his “Infowars” commentary but acknowledges he also uses satire and comedy on his show.
The testimony in his child custody case stands in contrast to comments by his lawyer who last week argued that Jones is a performance artist whose true personality is nothing like his on-air persona.
The attorney, Randall Wilhite, said during court proceedings in Austin that evaluating Jones according to his on-air comments is like judging Jack Nicholson based on his role as the Joker in “Batman.”
But Jones appeared to push back on that comparison, countering any suggestion that he’s “playing a trick on the public.”
“I believe in the overall political program I am promoting of Americana and freedom,” the Austin American-Statesman reported Jones as saying.
He returned to the stand Thursday. His ex-wife, Kelly Jones, is seeking sole or joint custody of their three children, ages 9, 12 and 14. The Joneses divorced in 2015 and Jones pays his ex-wife $43,000 a month.
Michael Harrison, editor and publisher of Talkers, a trade magazine for the radio industry, said the trial represents far more than a child custody battle for Alex Jones. Wilhite’s argument could undermine a relationship that Jones has built with his audience that’s “profoundly personal,” Harrison told media outlets.
While listeners of Glenn Beck or Howard Stern may not agree with their remarks, the audience is certainly entertained, he said. Jones, by contrast, brings a level of emotion not found among many other talking heads.
“You’ve got to believe in his message to be an Alex Jones fan,” Harrison said. “That’s the point. His listeners believe in him and believe that he’s looking out for their benefit.”
Jones said in court Wednesday that his shows, which are broadcast on radio, YouTube and other platforms, reach at least 70 million people a week, the newspaper reported.
One of those platforms,, has alleged that the Newtown, Connecticut, school shooting was a hoax and that the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks involved the federal government.
During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump nevertheless voiced admiration for Jones, telling him: “Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down.”
The post Infowars Alex Jones paints himself into corner with lawsuit appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Jackie Warner