‘Fear the Walking Dead’ 210 Do Not Disturb aka Red Zombie Wedding
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Fear the Walking Dead Episode 10 Season 2 Do Not Disturb Recap
Worst wedding story ever on “Fear the Walking Dead” Do Not Disturb episode! Father of the bride gets sick, turns into a zombie creature, and bites the face of his lovely child on what should be the happiest day of her life.
That’s the dark scene that opened up episode ten of “Fear the Walking Dead” this week. “Do Not Disturb” was dark throughout, as we were flashed back to the wedding day inside the hotel where our band of survivors are exploring.
We were shown the remains of the wedding reception when Maddie and her crew arrived at the seaside resort. Now we know what happened there as the sickness struck.

Bad things man. Bad things.
After dear old dad, who had to pay for the big event, went “rotter” after a quick death, things got worse for the family and friends gathered together. They all got locked inside the room by the hotel manager, Elena, who was just trying to keep the panic contained. And the sickness, which she knew very little about at that point.
The only thing this lady could have done to top off her cold-blooded move would have been to come back and steal all the wedding gifts after those locked inside tore each other apart.

The manager has survived the ordeal and lucky for Alicia that’s the case. Alicia tried to walk through a hallway filled with “the wasted,” only to be forced to leap into an elevator shaft. She was saved by the manager and hears her story.
Alicia has sympathy for the lady and knows what it’s like to do some nasty things just to remain alive in this terrible new world.

All Alicia cares about is finding her mom anyway, and Elena can help. Just one problem, there is another group of survivors who are a bit upset with the hotel service and want to kill the manager for locking them in the reception room. A complimentary stay on their next vacation was not gonna be enough to calm them down I guess.
Eventually, this group of pissed wedding guests, including the mother of the bride, catches up to Alicia and Elena. The group forces the manager to hand over the keys in exchange for her nephew who they had taken hostage.
It looked bleak, but Alicia just let loose all the walkers that were in the bar with her mom and Victor. Nice move and it gave Alicia and her new buddy the chance to escape. They ended up heading underneath the bar area, the same path that apparently let Maddie and Victor elude all the zombies that surrounded them last week as the show went off.

The two ladies and the nephew end up at a locked door, with no keys of course, and are let in by Maddie. She and Victor are safe, but hung over!
The previews for next week will show how they battled their way out of the bar situation. I guess I want to see how they got away in their drunken state. But at the same time, it wasn’t like I was shocked they made it out safely.
This episode also got back to Travis and his son Chris. They are on a journey to redeem Chris’ soul. Though Chris thinks they are just trying to survive on their own without Maddie and the gang.

And Chris doesn’t see his soul as being in need of saving either.
It doesn’t take long for Chris to aggress against another group and that puts him and his old man in danger. Stealing is a big no-no in this world.

Chris did earn the respect of the trio he stole from since he did kill off a couple of walkers in front of them.
Travis is just using this road trip to get his son back to sanity, and to give Maddie time to cool off after Chris was about to use a knife on her and Alicia back at the compound.
Travis even gives his boy his first driving lesson, even though the kid looks 20 years old. I figured a wreck was inevitable like with all car rides in the original “The Walking Dead,” but they made it safely to a camping spot.
The trio of dudes did catch up to them but did not want to take revenge for the theft. They were interested in teaming up since Chris put on a nice killing display. These guys are enjoying this rough new world. Travis is not and wants to get away from these dangerous cats asap.
They travel together until they spot a farm that looks promising. It’s a nice place with crops and a well-kept yard. The three boys and Chris locate the best find to date…….some chickens.

While they’re busy catching some protein, Travis notices the place has some freshly dug graves. The landowner must be near, and he warns the boys.
Too late.
They get caught and are now in a standoff with a pissed off chicken farmer who has recently buried his family.
Travis’ efforts to calm the situation fail. And it wasn’t due to the dangerous boys they had met. It was his own son who is a full blown psycho. Chis just shoots the farmer and feels nothing afterward.
Dude is cold-blooded and is enjoying this world free of rules, just like his new friends.

Travis has to know that his boy is no longer redeemable. Travis should just get back to Maddie and walk away from this little monster before he gets even more powerful.
Once Chris really learns to drive, he will be a real threat to the world.
This was a nice episode with a good back story involving a wedding that got wrecked by the zombie virus. I enjoyed the Travis and Chris roadshow as well. I’m no fan of Chris, but it would be a good story to have him pitted against his own father in the near future.
We’ll see if Travis has sense enough to get away from his kid on the next episode. Fatherly love will only go so far. If he sticks around too long, he’ll end up like the poor chicken farmer.
The post ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ 210 Do Not Disturb aka Red Zombie Wedding appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Shane Mclendon