Chris Rock aims for Jada Pinkett Smith & Kylie Jenner trademark battle looms
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Kat Williams fires on Kevin Hart, Chris Rock set his sites on Jada Pinkett Smith at the Academy Awards and Kylie Jenner’s taking on Kylie Minogue for a trademark battle.

Kat Williams Drags Kevin Hart During Comedy Set
Well Kat Williams, tell us how you really feel about Kevin Hart. Apparently, he said some pretty mean and shocking things about the Ride Along 2 star and from what we know about Williams, he meant every bit of it.
During his Conspiracy Theory Tour stop in Atlanta, he calls Hart out for being a Hollywood puppet, unfunny and gay? According to Williams said,
“I’ve already proven that if the best they got in comedy is Kevin Hart than — don’t you boo a Black man working hard, baby. Even if that nigga’s a puppet, it’s not his fault… I don’t care nothing that happens to Kevin [Hart], I just wish him the best. I just know that that’s somebody’s hand stuck up that baby, you understand. Oh, we’re a puppet show, boo boo. Please believe it. You’re looking at the only nigga that ain’t.
As bad as that sounds, Kat doesn’t stop there. He takes it home by saying,
“So, since I’ve already officially proven to myself that I really am who Richard Pryor passed his torch to, and that I was able to do it without letting a man suck my dick, or sucking a man’s dick.”
I don’t know where this all came from, but I am waiting to see what (if anything) Kevin Hart has to say.

Chris Rock Disses Jada Pinkett-Smith… Calls Out Hollywood
Last night during Chris Rock’s opening monologue at the 88th annual Academy Awards, the comedian did not hold back. From proclaiming, “Damn right Hollywood is racist” to mentioning Kevin Hart twice, a lot of people are on the fence about his performance as a host. One person, however, who is probably clearly on the “wasn’t feeling it” side, is Jada Pinkett-Smith. Chris Rock lit into her for boycotting the Oscars.
We all know that Jada said she wasn’t watching the event because this year’s lack of diversity in the list of nominees was the last straw for her. Chris Rock made so much fun of her boycotting an event that she wasn’t invited to in the first place.
“Everybody went mad [this year] … Jada [Pinkett Smith] got mad. Jada said she’s not coming. Isn’t she on a TV show? Jada boycotting the Oscars is like me boycotting Rihanna’s panties. I wasn’t invited.”
As if that wasn’t enough, he also mentioned her husband’s lack of acknowledgement, something that a lot of people speculate to be the real reason for her boycott.
“I understand you’re mad. I’m not hating. … Jada’s mad her man Will [Smith] was not nominated for Concussion. I get it … It’s not fair that Will was this good and didn’t get nominated. You’re right. It’s also not fair that Will was paid $20 million for Wild Wild West, okay?”
Now I thought these two were friends, what’s going on here? Maybe he told her he was going to clown her, and she gave him the okay. Regardless, we knew Chris was going to say something.

Kylie Jenner Tries to Trademark First Name, But Kylie Minogue says, “Naw.”
This really shouldn’t come as a surprise. Kylie Jenner wants to trademark her first name, which sounds like something a member of her family would do. Her reason for doing so is to protect it for “advertising and endorsement purposes” according to Yahoo News. But there is one big thing that we are all forgetting- Kylie Jenner is not the only famous Kylie.
Remember Kylie Minogue, the Australian singer from the 80’s? Well, she and her people filed an opposition to Jenner’s request because little Kylie has also filed a trademark registration for existing entertainment services, which Minogue already has.
This is a really bold move by Jenner and a self-centered one as well. For her to have the audacity to trademark her name is a telling indication as to what she and her family think about themselves. It makes it all the more hard to ever show the Kardashian/Jenners love because they are just so damn full of themselves.
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