Chloe Grace Moretz finds Kim Kardashian ‘sad’ plus Taylor Swift’s example
Click to read the full story: Chloe Grace Moretz finds Kim Kardashian ‘sad’ plus Taylor Swift’s example
Taylor Swift isn’t the only celebrity who has been in a highly publicized feud with reality star Kim Kardashian. You may remember, Kim also had a social media spat with young actress Chloe Grace Moretz
Quite a few months back, Chloe slammed Kim for posting a nude selfie on Instagram. Inevitably, Kim (as well as a couple of her family members) clapped back at Chloe for seemingly throwing shade at a fellow female star.
In the most recent issue of Variety magazine, Chloe opened up about her short-lived feud with Kim Kardashian. In her interview with the publication, Chloe noted that she felt Kim did not handle the situation well. The Kickass actress said, “It’s sad for [Kim] to reach out like that to a young woman. There’s a lot of woman-on-woman hate.” Chloe went on to address the hateful side of the Internet, saying, “A lot of mean photos have been made of me with Photoshop, and people have done really nasty memes about me, and just so you know, I’ve seen them all and I don’t find them funny and I don’t find them cute. That’s not cool. It’s bullying. And it hurts. I’m not going to deny that.”
You can read more of what Chloe had to say to Variety magazine in her exclusive interview, which is featured in the publication’s “Power of Young Hollywood” edition.

Taylor Swift’s attorneys told jurors they aren’t trying to bankrupt a former Colorado DJ accused of groping the pop superstar before a concert, but they do want others to know “that you can always say no.”
Swift’s attorney, Douglas Baldridge, attacked the credibility of former Denver DJ David Mueller on Tuesday, asking jurors, “What’s wrong with this picture? A woman gets assaulted, a woman reports it, and she gets sued.”
Wednesday’s testimony was delayed while the judge held a closed hearing with both sides to discuss unspecified evidence. Jurors, spectators, and the news media were told to leave the courtroom.
Mueller sued Swift after her team told his bosses at a country music station that he had reached under her dress and touched her backside during a meet-and-greet before a 2013 concert in Denver. He is seeking at least $3 million, saying the allegation cost him his job and reputation.
Swift countersued Mueller, claiming sexual assault. She is seeking a symbolic $1, saying she wants to serve as an example to other women who have been assaulted.
As Swift’s attorneys tried to take the higher ground in the case, Mueller’s attorneys tried to paint their client as someone who just wants to clear his name and recover his lost earnings.
“Let’s be clear about something from the onset – inappropriate touching is offensive, it’s wrong and should never be tolerated,” Mueller’s attorney, Gabriel McFarland told jurors. “Let’s also be clear that falsely accusing someone of inappropriate touching is equally offensive, it’s wrong and should not be tolerated.”
Mueller testified Tuesday that he may have touched the pop superstar’s ribs with a closed hand as he tried to jump into a photo with her but insisted he did not touch her backside as she claims.
He said he and Swift were trying to reach around one another and “our hands touched and our arms touched” during a photo opportunity he estimated lasted no more than 40 seconds.
The photo seen by jurors shows Mueller with his hand behind Swift, just below her waist. Both are smiling.

“If you look at that photograph, his hand is not underneath Miss Swift’s skirt, and her skirt is not rumpled in any fashion,” McFarland said, noting that no one on Swift’s concert team saw anything amiss.
Mueller also testified that one of his station bosses, Hershel Coomer, who is expected to testify, told him that he had met Swift earlier before the show and that “he told me that he had his hands on her butt.”
Mueller said, “I thought he was just telling me one of his stories.”
But in his opening statement, Baldridge told jurors that Swift is “absolutely certain” she was sexually assaulted by Mueller, and the photo is “damning” proof of it.
Baldridge repeatedly interrupted Mueller during an aggressive cross-examination and noted that Mueller has said he lost an audio recording of a meeting he had with his bosses before they fired him.
“We’ll never know what’s on it, will we?” Baldridge asked.
“No, we won’t,” Mueller responded. “They’re gone.”
Baldridge also repeatedly asked Mueller if he could grasp “any reason, incentive or motive” for Swift to make up the allegation or be involved in two years of litigation.
“I cannot,” Mueller replied.
Baldridge did get Mueller to concede that various supervisors with KYGO and its parent firm had discussed the possibility of letting him go even before the encounter with Swift.
Swift is expected to testify, along with members of her entourage.

Once again, Real Housewives of Orange County star Tamra Judge’s very own daughter is putting her on blast. For the past couple of years, Tamra’s daughter Sidney Barney has kept her distance from the star. The two’s relationship began to disintegrate after Tamra divorced Sidney’s father, Simon. In addition, Sidney has repeatedly asked her mother to stop talking about her on her reality show – a request that Tamra has continued to disobey.
On the most recent episode of Real Housewives of Orange County, Tamra was seen speaking at an event, which was thrown in support of estranged family members. During the event, Tamra claimed that she and Sidney were talking again and were slowly making amends with one another. In contrast, on Monday, Sidney took to her Facebook page to reprimand her mother’s behavior, as well as address some of the reasons she decided to distance herself from her reality star mom.
In a lengthy post, Sidney explained, “”I want to start by clearing some things up as my mother continues to talk about me despite me requesting her to stop speaking of me publically [sic] as I don’t want to be associated with her or the show. For starters, I did not move out when my parents got a divorce nor did I chose my father’s side in the divorce. My parents separated in 2010; I moved out of my mother’s house in 2013. Me leaving has nothing to do with the divorce, it has to do with the living conditions at my mother’s house and the way she treated me and still treats me today.” She went on to add, “The reasons I left my mothers house are that she was neglectful (leaving us at home with no food or simply ignoring us entirely), she constantly put herself first, and the biggest reason was that she was mentally and emotionally abusive. She was no mother to me. This was an unhealthy environment for all of us kids, and unfortunately, I was the only one to recognize this and take steps to get out of that toxic environment.”
Tamra Judge, Twitter post:
Not surprised. #brainwashed Ask her paid for her very expensive college. I'm good when it works for her and her dad
— Tamra Judge (@TamraBarney) August 8, 2017
Inevitably, Tamra was quick to defend herself. The blonde reality star wrote on her Twitter page, “Not surprised #brainwashed. Ask her paid for her very expensive college. I’m good when it works for her and her dad.”

Halle Berry, despite her fame and fortune, once had nothing to her name – including a place to call home.
“That was rough,” the Oscar winner, 50, told People about briefly being homeless as a young actress and living in a shelter in the Big Apple. “I called my mother and asked her to send me some money, and she said no, and that subsequently led to a year of not speaking to her, but that’s probably one of the best things she did for me.”
Berry remembers calling her mom: “She said, ‘If you want to be there, then you work it out.’ Giving up was never an option.”
The Cleveland native adds those stressful days early on in her career brought her back to her high school days when she had an “insatiable desire to win.”
And she still carries that same spirit to persevere today, despite three failed marriages. She divorced husband No. 3, Olivier Martinez, in 2016.
The mother of two is learning to be alone. “I’m learning that I’m fearless,” she added. “I had some many fears as I went through my third divorce. I was afraid to do that, but I was more afraid of living unhappy. It’s teaching me: Don’t be afraid of what people will think about the choices you make. We have to live for ourselves.”

The Gallagher brothers’ hatred for one another is the stuff of rock and roll legend, but in a new interview Liam opened up about exactly why Noel irks him so.
“Oh f–kin’ hell. He’s like a f–kin’ stalker him, man. ‘Quick! Grab me a famous person!’ F–kin’ cringe, man. Bradley f–kin’ Cooper and s–t like that? F–kin’ sit down, mate,” Liam told Noisey. “Working class traitor.”
But its not just Noel’s alleged obsession with the glitz and glamour that comes with being a rockstar that bothers the 44-year-old Liam. Liam also felt that his brother – who he’s taken to calling “Potato” on Twitter – laid too much of the blame for Oasis’ 2009 breakup at his feet.
“He stitched me up with Oasis,” he explained. “I was the one left to carry the f–kin’ blame, and that’s it. He went, ‘F–k this, I want a solo career.’ He f–kin’ set a few booby traps and I got f–kin’ collared with it. So as far as I’m concerned, you can f–k off. He didn’t just end it because we were in Paris and we had a ding-dong. You stitched me up and you can f–k off, you c–t. I’m your f–kin’ brother. People go, ‘Oh you’re jealous.’ I’m not. I’m living in the f–kin’ real world. I’ve got my kids, I’ve got my rock’n’roll, I’ve got my vibe. You’ve got Bradley Cooper, you c–t.”
Liam and Noel, 50, are said not to have talked since the band’s breakup, something which appears to actually bother Liam some. But, as he made abundantly clear, what really irks him is how much he says his brother has changed since Oasis’ breakthrough album, 1994’s “Definitely Maybe.”
“I miss the one that I was in a band with, but the one that I see now? Getting selfies with this one and that one? He doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going,” he said. “For a geezer who bangs on about how his favorite band is U2? I was in a band with that kid for 20 f–kin’ years. And in those 20 years we had a party every f–kin’ night after pretty much every gig and we had tunes on. I never heard him play one f–kin’ U2 song.”
He added, “He’s full of f–kin’ shit, mate. I’m just here to f–kin’ shine a light on the f–kin’ fakes, man. And he’s one of them.”
While having two of your children publically make clear how much they loathe eachother might bother some mothers, Liam says his and Noel’s isn’t particularly put out by it.
“She’s gone past that now,” he said. “She’s like, ‘F–k the pair of ya.’ Just cause we’re brothers, people say: blood’s thicker than water. But it takes more than f–kin’ blood to be my brother. You have to be sound; d’you know what I mean?”
Liam’s venom isn’t just reserved for Noel. He also let loose when it came to talking about … the sea.
“And f–k the sea,” he said when asked if it was true he can’t swim. “I ain’t going in that. F–k that, mate. That ain’t meant for us. That’s meant for the sharks, and the jellyfish, tadpoles and stuff. But a hottub? I’m alright in a hottub. Can hang about in there for a bit.”

The only thing we love more than a “power list” is a “powerless list” — in the case of this crew, VIP stands for “verifiably impotent.”
Website 24/7 Wall St. published a tongue-in-cheek answer to the Forbes list — their perspective on the 50 least powerful people.
They named disposable White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci as their wunderkind of weakness, followed by beached New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and reluctantly retired FBI Director James Comey.
In the No. 5 spot is Tiger Woods or, as they describe him, the 899th-ranking men’s pro golfer. At No. 6 is Kendall Jenner, thanks to her pallid Pepsi ad.

Jennifer Lawrence and boyfriend Darren Aronofsky don’t always see eye to eye.
Lawrence, 26, revealed when Aronofsky, 48, directed her in fall’s upcoming “Mother!,” she hyperventilated and dislocated one of her ribs from the stress and intensity of filming.
“I ended up getting on oxygen,” the Oscar winner revealed in Vogue’s September issue. “I have oxygen tubes in my nostrils, and Darren’s like, ‘It was out of focus; we’ve got to do it again.’ And I was just like, ‘Go f—k yourself.’”
Lawrence confessed she had to construct a tent full of guilty pleasures on the set to keep her in her “happy place,” complete with “pictures of the Kardashians and ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians‘ playing on a loop — and gumballs.”
Aronofsky isn’t thrilled with her reality TV obsession, she admitted with a chuckle. “He just finds it so vastly disappointing.”
Still, she adores her beau, with whom she’s been linked since last fall. “We had energy … I had energy for him,” she said. “I don’t know how he felt about me.”
“When I saw the movie, I was reminded all over again how brilliant he is,” said the actress, who previously dated Coldplay frontman Chris Martin and her “X-Men” co-star Nicholas Hoult. “For the past year, I’ve been dealing with him as just a human … I’ve been in relationships before where I am just confused. And I’m never confused with him.”
She added, “I normally don’t like Harvard people, because they can’t go two minutes without mentioning that they went to Harvard. He’s not like that.”
While Lawrence is happy in her relationship and with her career, she’s not too thrilled with the constant publicity that follows her every move — especially her moves on the pole, which went viral in May when a video of her letting loose at a strip club for a friend’s birthday hit the web.
“My biggest fear from that whole thing was that people were going to think that I was trying to be sexy,” she griped. “Also, it looked like I had taken my shirt off. I was in a crop top. I did not take off my shirt. I’m on the phone with my lawyers, and everybody’s like, ‘Is there anything we need to know before it comes out?’ And I’m like, ‘No, it’s all there.’”
“It’s scary when you feel the whole world judges you,” Lawrence lamented. “I think people saw [the hacking] for what it was, which was a sex crime, but that feeling, I haven’t been able to get rid of it. Having your privacy violated constantly isn’t a problem if you’re perfect. But if you’re human, it’s terrifying. When my publicist calls me, I’m like, ‘Oh, my God, what is it?’ Even when it’s nothing. I’m always waiting to get blindsided again.”
She explained that the press has left her somewhat guarded with fans as well, for which she feels some guilt.
“I’m happy to meet people, give autographs, shake hands, and say ‘Thank you,’” she said. “I wouldn’t have a job if people weren’t going to see my movies. It’s just … if I’m on an airplane and I have no makeup on, I don’t want to take a selfie that’s going to end up on E!”
Unfortunately, Lawrence can’t seek refuge from the craziness at home, for reasons hilarious enough to only apply to her.
“When I first moved in, the house was crystalled out — crystals everywhere, and geodes, and I was like, ‘Please get rid of these; I don’t want people to come over here and think I’m a crystal person,’” she explained. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that! But everyone told me, ‘You can’t do that. You can’t move them. You have to have the crystal lady who put them in move them,’” she said. “I just had all the crystals yanked out. Sold them. And then my f—king house flooded.”
“I hate crystals.”

Kris Jenner gave a glimpse into her business savvy mind in the latest Lenny Letter. The famous momager, 61, shared how she took a broke Bruce Jenner and turned him into a lucrative motivational speaker in the ‘90s.
“I told my assistant, Lisa, ‘OK, listen. We have the greatest guy here. He really knows his craft. He is really good at what he does, but he doesn’t have anybody doing anything for him,” Kris recalled. “He doesn’t have a lot going on. He has $200 in the bank. What are we going to do?’ Because the kids have to eat. We have to get it together.”
Kris admits she does not have any formal business training, but learned invaluable skills from watching her first husband, Robert Kardashian, and their top-tier friends conduct business.
So she forged a plan to make him successful by first assembling press kits with her own money.
“He didn’t have a business card. He didn’t have a bio. He didn’t have press, nothing,” Kris said. From there, Kris sprang into action getting friends to do photo shoots of Bruce and hiring another friend to make a reel that would be used as an intro for his speeches.
“I think I spent my last dime, I’m not even kidding, making these beautiful, glossy press-kit folders and took every great article that had ever been in Sports Illustrated and any really beautiful magazine and I started making copies,” she said. “We put together 7,000 press kits, and we mailed them to every speakers’ bureau in the United States. Then we sat back, and we waited for the phone to ring.”
Then the calls started to roll in from Visa, Coca-Cola, and more big-name companies.
Kris and Bruce were married for 23 years before calling it quits in 2013 and officially divorced in 2014. Bruce transitioned into Caitlyn in 2015.

Add lying to the ever-growing list of Kendall Jenner’s alleged sins.
Baby’s All Right, the Brooklyn bar that called out the reality star-turned-model for failing to tip her bartender last week, now claims she’s lying about having left a cash tip instead — and did so by quoting the German philosopher Nietzsche.

“‘I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.’ – Nietzsche #nocashtip,” the bar wrote in a since-deleted Instagram post on Tuesday.
The caption accompanied a screenshot of a tweet in which Jenner claimed to have left a cash tip, writing, “damn, I guess next time we won’t tip in cash.”
Last Friday, the bar called the 21-year-old out for her failure to tip, posting a photo to Instagram of her $24 tab with the caption, “Don’t forget to tip your bartender :).”
That post, like Tuesday’s Nietzsche-quoting missive, has since been deleted.
Your move, Kendall.

Aaron Carter says attempting to explain his bisexuality to his ex-girlfriend Madison Parker didn’t go over so well.
“I had to discuss it with my ex-girlfriend, and she didn’t really understand it and she didn’t want [to],” Carter shared in a new interview with “The Bert Show” on Wednesday. “And that was it. So we left it mutual and parted ways … It was something that I felt was important and that I needed to say.”
The former couple, who were arrested together in July, called it quits last week before Carter publicly disclosed his sexuality.
“To be honest, I’ve been thinking about it for many years,” he shared. “I just felt like it was something I needed to do. It was something that I just felt like was important, and I needed to say. It was a part of a new chapter of turning 30.”
Carter remains optimistic, saying he’s “really looking forward to the future … be it with a man or a woman.”

One day after her estranged daughter blasted her in a scathing Facebook message, Tamra Judge renewed her wedding vows.
“Celebrating love with all the hate that’s going on. May God bless your life because it’s not always easy,” the “Real Housewives of Orange County” fixture wrote Tuesday on Instagram. “But God has a plan.. a big plan.”
The 49-year-old went on to thank fellow “Housewives” Shannon Beador, Lydia McLaughlin and Kelly Dodd for their help as she and her spouse of four years celebrated their special union.
Before Tamra married third husband Eddie Judge in 2013, the Bravo personality documented her wedding planning with the spinoff, “Tamra’s OC Wedding.”
Her troubled relationship with eldest daughter Sidney Barney has been a storyline on this season of the Bravo franchise.
On Monday, Sidney, 18, slammed Tamra for dragging her into the spotlight, particular her recent high school graduation.
“The one thing I asked and have been asking for 4 years now has been to not talk about me because I don’t want to be in the spotlight. But again breaking her promises as per usual, she puts herself, her fame, her reputation, and her bank account before me,” she wrote.
Tamra shared a photo from Sidney’s graduation on Instagram in June, where she reunited with ex-husband Simon Barney and their two other children, son Spencer, 17, and daughter Sophia, 11.
She split from Simon in 2010, though their divorce wasn’t finalized until the following year.
The post Chloe Grace Moretz finds Kim Kardashian ‘sad’ plus Taylor Swift’s example appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Ricki Reay