‘Bring It!’ 308 Blow it Up Selena Says Be Nice
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This week on Bring It, the girls have their hands full with pom, pom and stand battle categories at the Buck Wild Competition in Greenville, Mississippi.
Their biggest rival is the Xposive Dance Company (XDC) from Dallas, Texas. The last two times these teams met, XDC lost so they are coming for the Dolls for sure.
Dianna shakes things up this season by allowing select girls a chance to try out for the Battle Royale solo spot at the end of the year. Among the lucky dancers, she chooses to audition are Sky and Faith, who have opportunities to see what they can do. There are 11 girls, and Dianna cuts five of them in the first round. Unfortunately, Star is out, and Selena is bothered by Miss Dee’s decision.
As they practice for the pom, pom competition, they have a hard time getting the routine together. With this category of dance, everyone has to be on point, or it will look sloppy. Dianna becomes increasingly frustrated with how much DD struggles to get the moves.
On the way home, Selena speaks to Sky and encourages her to keep up the good work. She tells her how proud she is of her efforts. Sky gave her all in her routine but since her all wasn’t enough, she tells her mother that moments like this make her want to quit. Selena perks up because the last thing she wants is for her daughter to lose hope. So she does what any mother would do- goes to see Dianna.
The next day, Selena pays Dianna a visit in her office, and the conversation immediately escalates. Selena wants her to be nicer to the girls and more encouraging. Dianna tells her she’s not kissing anyone’s ass, and if Selena doesn’t like it, she can start her own team.
Later in practice, Dianna gives the girls a talk that… wait for it… encourages them. Everyone is taken aback because it seems out of the norm. She even goes as far as adding some of the cut girls back into the pom routine. During the practice, Tanisha has some trouble and steps away from the practice. Camryn investigates, and the new dancer tells her captain that she’s a little anxious, plus she hasn’t eaten anything. Camryn tells her to get it together because everyone is counting on her.
On the day of competition, the pressure is on as Dianna does not feel 100% confident in their pom routine. She keeps her cool nonetheless because she has to save face in front of everyone.
During the pom, pom segment of the competition, all of the teams are impressive, especially XDC. They not only have their majorette dancers on the floor, but they also utilize their cheerleaders in the form of stunts and pyramids. Dianna is not impressed as she feels like they have too much going on, but honestly, they did damn good.
Before the start of the stand battle competition, Dianna runs into XDC’s coach, Charekeitha, and they have the usual back and forth. She tells Miss D ‘bigger things out of Texas” and Dianna reminds her of what happened they last two times their teams met.
On the dance floor, DD and XDC compete against each other in the first round, and DD naturally comes out on top. See Charekeitha, all that talking means nothing if you can’t back it up on the dance floor.
During the final battle, the Dancing Dolls go head to head with the Dazzling Starz (DS), and these girls are on fire. In fact, Dianna put so much effort into preparing for XDC and dancing against them in the final round that she doesn’t even know what to expect from the Dazzling Starz. Even DDP has to give it to the smaller team. They pack a mighty punch.
In the end, the Dancing Dolls did what needed to be done to take the win in stand battle over DS, but they come in second place to XDC in the pom, pom competition. That makes two losses in the last two weeks in categories other than stand battle and Dianna is not a happy camper, to say the least.
The Dancing Dolls do not like losing, even when they win. They want to sweep the competition every time. It looks like Dianna needs to go back to the drawing board.
The post ‘Bring It!’ 308 Blow it Up Selena Says Be Nice appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: The Curvy Girl Diva