Bear Grylls happy to be part of Liam Payne’s life plus Jimmy Kimmel
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Nearly 2 weeks ago, One Direction singer Liam Payne welcomed his first baby into the world. Liam, alongside his girlfriend Cheryl Cole (who happened to be a judge on Liam’s season of X Factor UK) officially became parents to a healthy baby boy on March 22nd.
While some time has passed since Cheryl gave birth at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London, it is not until now that she and Liam decided to publicly reveal the name of their son. On Tuesday, TV personality and well-known adventure man Bear Grylls tweeted at the new parents while simultaneously revealing their son’s new name. Bear posted a tweet saying, “Great choice! Love & blessings to you guys as you start on the greatest adventure….” Here, the TV host referred to a Daily Mail article, which claimed that Liam and Cheryl had named their son Bear.
Bear Grylls, Twitter post:
Not long after, Liam replied to Bear’s congratulatory tweet, saying, “Thanks, man. Hope he grows with an ounce of your courage! You’re a boss.”
Liam Payne, Twitter post:
@BearGrylls @CherylOfficial Thanks man hope he grows with an ounce of your courage! Your a boss
— Liam (@LiamPayne) May 2, 2017
According to sources close to the couple, they did find it hard to pick a name for their newborn son. One source told The Daily Mail, “Liam and Cheryl couldn’t decide on a name for ages and kept toing and froing between options, but they both loved Bear and settled on it a few days ago. Despite the sleepless nights, the couple is completely smitten with little bear.”

Jimmy Kimmel’s tearful account of his newborn son’s heart surgery reverberated widely across social media, turning a monologue seen by a relatively small late-night TV audience into something far more potent.
While “Jimmy Kimmel Live” drew its average of about 2 million viewers Monday, the host’s comments earned an online megaphone that made it a top news story reaching all the way to Washington and the health-care debate.
If you’ve not seen the moving video or want to check it out again, it’s just right below. His monologue put things in such simple terms for why healthcare is so important, and how politics has turned it into something else. The politicians have forgotten that the bill they keep trying to push out on people will truly affect many many lives.
It’s not uncommon for a sketch or other late-night TV moment to turn into online chatter, “but this was something else entirely,” said Robert Thompson, director of Syracuse University’s Bleier Center for Television & Popular Culture.
A video of Kimmel’s roughly 13-minute monologue on his Facebook page drew more than 14 million views within a day, news site Axios reported. It reached 18 million views by Wednesday, compared to his usual 1 million views.
On Kimmel’s Instagram page, the video had more than 142,000 views by Wednesday, more than twice his usual. And on Twitter, where Kimmel’s posts typically are retweeted several hundred times, the figure was 31,000-plus.
Kimmel’s account of how his son was diagnosed with a birth defect the day of his April 21 birth and underwent successful surgery created a raw and moving TV moment. Billy Kimmel has tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia – a hole in the wall separating the right and left sides of the heart and a blocked pulmonary valve.
The comedian, who has a 2-year-old daughter with wife Molly McNearney, also issued a plea.
“If your baby is going to die and it doesn’t have to, it shouldn’t matter how much money you make. … Whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat or something else, we all agree on that, right?” he said.
Flipping through TV newscasts the day after Kimmel’s monologue, Thompson said he saw it receive the kind of coverage associated with “major stories, like Michael Jackson’s death.”
Former President Barack Obama tweeted about it (“Well said, Jimmy”), and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, referred to it on the House floor as she restated her opposition to Republicans’ proposed overall of Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
On Wednesday, Trump White House spokesman Sean Spicer was queried about Kimmel.
Trump is fighting to improve the bill with protections for those with pre-existing conditions like Kimmel’s child, Spicer said, then directly echoed the late-night host’s comments.
“We need to have some of these things that aren’t Republican or Democrat and that they’re American policies” ensuring a health care system for all, Spicer said.
Kimmel’s personal use of a late-night platform isn’t new. David Letterman shared his own open-heart surgery and, on a far different note, revealed a thwarted attempt to blackmail him over office affairs.
But Kimmel’s revelations stood out because they were both touching and thoroughly detailed, Thompson said Wednesday.
“Watching a human being, in this age of deep irony, be so incredibly sincere, especially when he’s a person who does irony for a profession … that makes for a really kind of stunning thing to watch,” he said.
And Kimmel’s comments about a topical issue gave cable and broadcast outlets a news hook to use and re-use the video.
To do essentially a “celebrity story” with a viral video that everybody was talking about gave newscasts “the excuse that they were actually talking about something important” – the health care debate, Thompson said.
It was social media that brought the monologue to Keri Miyadi’s attention. She found about it because a friend posted Obama’s reaction, she said.
“I don’t watch a lot of late-night TV,” Miyadi said.

A business manager who stole more than $7 million from Alanis Morissette and others is expected to face the music and the singer at his sentencing Wednesday in federal court.
Jonathan Todd Schwartz could spend more than five years in prison for wire fraud and tax charges related to embezzlement that he blamed on his addiction to gambling.
But a federal prosecutor said there was no evidence Schwartz had a gambling problem and that all his expressions of remorse were insincere and self-serving.
Schwartz “has never ‘chosen’ to do the right thing in this case,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Ranee Katzenstein said in court papers. “Every expression of remorse he has made and every purported act of self-improvement he has taken occurred only after he realized he had no ‘choice’ to do otherwise because his seven years of criminal behavior had been exposed, he eventually figured out that his lies were not going to get him out of the trouble he was in, and he knew he was going to face an eventual reckoning for his crimes.”
Schwartz, 47, admitted stealing nearly $5 million from Morissette between May 2010 and January 2014 and more than $2 million from five unnamed clients when he worked at GSO Business Management, a firm that touted relationships with entertainers such as Katy Perry, 50 Cent and Tom Petty.
Schwartz was a high-flying partner making $1.2 million a year, according to court papers. His crimes cost the firm at least $2 million above what insurance covered, led to layoffs of about a dozen employees and is expected to cause some $20 million in financial fallout because of the blow to the firm’s reputation, according to founder Bernard Gudvi.
The embezzlement was discovered by a new money manager Morissette hired.
When the firm was contacted about the apparent theft, Schwartz made “wild accusations” that his former client was in the throes of drug addiction and mentally unstable, Gudvi said. Schwartz also falsely claimed he invested the money in an illegal marijuana growing business.
“As the walls were closing in on the scheme to steal client funds … he was unable to turn away from the lies,” Gudvi wrote in a letter to the court. “The worse things became, the more easily he seemed to dispense with the truth.”
Schwartz, who was fired, had offered financial guidance to some of the biggest stars and was said to represent Beyonce and Mariah Carey, who both appeared at a fundraiser last year in support of a heart disease charity he founded.
Schwartz penned a mea culpa in The Hollywood Reporter last month. He said his father was a gambling addict who abandoned his family and he sought refuge in sports betting and drugs to deal with the stress from his business.
“The spiral I was in was toxic,” Schwartz wrote. “Winning did not make me feel better, but losing was intolerable. If I lost, then I had to make it back, and when I lost again, the hole I had dug got deeper and deeper. I felt weak and powerless, terrified by my internal demons that I was turning into my father.”
Schwartz might have lost some money gambling, but there was no evidence he was an addict, Katzenstein said. Instead, he used the money to fund a lavish lifestyle.

Not even Leo DiCaprio gets a pass from famously tough producer Scott Rudin.
The actor turned up a few minutes late to Broadway’s “A Doll’s House, Part 2” — which just got eight Tony nominations — and was seated in the rear balcony of the Golden Theatre, where seats go for an affordable $59 on weeknights.
The Oscar winner wasn’t being thrifty — because he was late, he wasn’t allowed to go to his prime orchestra seats. “Rudin is very strict about late seating,” a theater source said. “There are no exceptions, and the house manager implements Rudin’s policy with the precision of Gen. Patton.”
Leo led the standing ovation up in the balcony.

Is Rihanna lunging at love?
The flirtatious singer was spotted getting extra cozy with Olympic fencer Miles Chamley-Watson at her star-studded Met Gala after-party at 1Oak.
“It was like they were a new couple. She was canoodling and getting chummy. They sat together at the ball and partied at 1Oak until the place closed at 7 a.m.,” a spy said.
Chamley-Watson won the team-event bronze in 2016 and is currently the face of a Nike campaign with FKA Twigs.
Rosie O’Donnell’s reconciliation with daughter Chelsea didn’t last long.
Chelsea, 19, accused Rosie, 55, of nearly attacking her with a wine bottle, noting that the former “View” host had the bottle handy “because she was drinking, as she did frequently.”
“It was pretty late at night,” Chelsea told The Daily Mail in an interview released Wednesday. “A couple of weeks prior, I had gotten a tattoo. [Rosie] had spyware on my phone so she could see pretty much everything I did. She called me into her room and asked me about the tattoo. I denied it. She asked me to take off my clothes — she didn’t know where [the tattoo] was — to show her and I refused.”
Chelsea continued, “She picked up a wine bottle and started chasing me, trying to take off my clothes. She told me if I didn’t show her, if I tried to leave, that she would hit me with the wine bottle, call the police and tell them that I had attacked her. She was holding it above her head and coming after me in her room,” she recalled. “She kept trying to run after me and saying that if she really wanted to, she could kill me, she’s that strong.”
“She ended up pulling my shirt up and seeing [the tattoo],” she said. “Then I left. I didn’t see her for the rest of the night.”
Chelsea acknowledged that O’Donnell didn’t hit her, but says, “she came really close … I didn’t go to the police because of who she is. She would have tried to say I was crazy and they just wouldn’t believe me. I felt it was her word against mine and why wouldn’t they believe her over me?”
The incident sparked Chelsea’s exit from the family home in August 2015, after which O’Donnell reported her missing. She was found at the home of alleged heroin dealer Steven Sheerer in New Jersey — and Chelsea claims that O’Donnell knew her whereabouts all along.
“She knew,” Chelsea fumed. “She was talking to me when I was down [in New Jersey]. She had called the person I was with too. The day after she had kicked me out, she had gotten in contact with that person. A few days after, she had called me and told me she had known where I was because she had looked at my phone messages.”
She explained, “I didn’t want to fight and I just didn’t want to talk. I guess she didn’t like that and thought that I would end up leaving on my own eventually, so she told me to leave. I was gone for a week and she knew where I was. The week after I left, she told everyone that I was missing and went to the police.”
“Since I was 12, Rosie has been verbally abusive, and that was something I didn’t like, making me feel that there was something wrong with me,” Chelsea alleged. “When I was 13, 14 and I was at boarding school in Utah, I had gotten into trouble, and I was in a locked room. She had come to see me, and they let her in. We started arguing because I didn’t want her there. She got really close to me. I tried to push her away from me, and she hit me. We started fighting more until she was asked to leave. A few years later, she apologized and said she regretted doing that.”
Months after Chelsea returned to Rosie’s home, she met Nick Alliegro, 31, at a Long Island Dunkin’ Donuts. They began dating and quickly moved in together, tying the knot in July 2016 — much to Rosie’s chagrin — after they learned that Chelsea was pregnant.
Chelsea claimed that she miscarried and was subsequently hospitalized.
“Early August, Chelsea had a miscarriage which was hard for both of us,” Alliegro told the Mail. “After Chelsea had the miscarriage, she was just having a hard time coping with everything. At the end of August, she went to the hospital. In the media, it was said that Chelsea had an overdose, which wasn’t true. Rosie called the hospital and was trying to get her status, but they told her only her husband could get information … I told Rosie about the miscarriage, but she never seemed to care or even asked any questions, like it didn’t matter to her.”
Alliegro continued, “Instead of asking how Chelsea was when she was in the hospital, Rosie had her brother come to our apartment and take the car back. She also turned her phone off instead of coming to the hospital to check she was okay. I don’t know if it was because of me or having control over Chelsea because I think that’s what it all stems [from]. She needs to have control over Chelsea, and if she doesn’t, it drives her crazy.”
The hospitalization wasn’t the last of Chelsea’s health problems.
“In September, I had MRIs, and nothing came up in those tests,” Chelsea said. “My headaches kept getting worse, and I didn’t know what was wrong. Rosie had me get a different brain scan at a hospital in Connecticut in January. That’s when they found a lesion on my brain which they are now trying to fix. I take medication that they think might fix it but [the doctors] aren’t sure.”
Alliegro alleged, “I wanted Chelsea to get the best medical care, and Rosie refused to pay for it if we didn’t agree to get a divorce. As much as it killed me, we had to lie to her and convince her we would get a divorce so Rosie would continue to pay for Chelsea’s medical expenses so we could figure out what is wrong with her. We told her that we were getting a divorce just so she would help with her medical [expenses].”
Rosie vehemently denied the couple’s allegations.
“Chelsea is mentally ill,” Rosie told The Daily Mail. “[She] has been in and out of hospitals most of her life. Born addicted to heroin. She has had a tough road. As for her comments, I assume you are paying her, which is why she is selling these tales to you … She is very sick. She is not capable of truth or reason. She has not been in touch with anyone since her husband tried to extort $9000 from this family.”
“The day after the lesion in her frontal lobe was detected, she then did an ‘Inside Edition’ interview for money and disappeared, and now has a story for you,” Rosie continued. “As a mother, my request is that you not pay her and leave her alone … It is comforting to know she is still alive, so thank you for that part.”
Eight months have passed since Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt, and the actor is coming to terms with the end of his relationship.
“I can’t remember a day since I got out of college when I wasn’t boozing or had a spliff or something. Something. And you realize that a lot of it is, um — cigarettes, you know, pacifiers. And I’m running from feelings,” Pitt disclosed in a candid interview with GQ Style. “I’m really, really happy to be done with all of that. I mean I stopped everything except boozing when I started my family. But even this last year, you know — things I wasn’t dealing with. I was boozing too much. It’s just become a problem. And I’m really happy it’s been half a year now, which is bittersweet, but I’ve got my feelings in my fingertips again. I think that’s part of the human challenge: You either deny them all of your life or you answer them and evolve.”
Though Pitt could once “drink a Russian under the table with his own vodka,” he has since changed his beverage of choice.
“Cranberry juice and fizzy water,” he said. “I’ve got the cleanest urinary tract in all of L.A., I guarantee you! But the terrible thing is I tend to run things into the ground. That’s why I’ve got to make something so calamitous. I’ve got to run it off a cliff.”
As Pitt, 53, and Jolie, 41, go through divorce proceedings, his focus remains on his family.
“People on their deathbeds don’t talk about what they obtained or were awarded. They talk about their loved ones or their regrets — that seems to be the menu,” Pitt said. “I say that as someone who’s let the work take me away. Kids are so delicate. They absorb everything. They need to have their hand held and things explained. They need to be listened to. When I get in that busy work mode, I’m not hearing. I want to be better at that.”
Jolie pulled the plug on her two-year marriage to Pitt in September after a total of 12 years together. She filed for divorce five days after an alleged dispute between Pitt and their 15-year-old son, Maddox, aboard the family’s private jet, which resulted in an investigation by the FBI.
“I was really on my back and chained to a system when Child Services was called. And you know, after that, we’ve been able to work together to sort this out,” he explained. “We’re both doing our best. I heard one lawyer say, ‘No one wins in court — it’s just a matter of who gets hurt worse.’ And it seems to be true, you spend a year just focused on building a case to prove your point and why you’re right and why they’re wrong, and it’s just an investment in vitriolic hatred. I just refuse. And fortunately, my partner in this agrees. It’s just very, very jarring for the kids, to suddenly have their family ripped apart.”
While Pitt was cleared of charges, the well-being of his six children — sons Maddox, Pax, 13, and Knox, 8, as well as daughters Zahara, 12, Shiloh, 10, and Vivienne, 8 — is of the utmost priority.
“There’s a lot to tell them because there’s understanding the future, there’s understanding the immediate moment and why we’re at this point, and then it brings up a lot of issues from the past that we haven’t talked about. So our focus is that everyone comes out stronger and better people — there is no other outcome,” Pitt said.
Following the split, Pitt crashed at a friend’s in Santa Monica, deeming the Hollywood Hills home he’s lived in since 1994 “too sad” a place to be. Though he has since returned, the house is immensely different than before.
“This house was always chaotic and crazy, voices and bangs coming from everywhere, and then, as you see, there are days like this: very … very solemn,” he shared.

A second class-action lawsuit has been filed over the disastrous Fyre Festival for forcing guests to “endure a horrific experience” in the Bahamas last month.
Three plaintiffs — Chelsea Chinery, Shannon McAuliffe and Desiree Flores — claim Fyre organizers and co-founders Ja Rule and Billy McFarland of “deliberately and fraudulently marketed and sold tickets to a lavish, tropical destination music festival,” according to the lawsuit obtained by Mashable.
“Instead, plaintiffs endured a horrific experience on an island in the Bahamas not suited nor prepared for an influx of visitors or a music festival of such grand proportion,” says the complaint, which was filed Tuesday in California Superior Court.
The new suit seeks unspecified damages.
The litigation comes just days after celebrity attorney Mark Geragos, who’s represented Michael Jackson and Chris Brown, filed a similar class-action in federal court.
Geragos’ suit claimed Ja Rule, whose real name is Jeffrey Atkins, and McFarland concocted Fyre Festival as a “get-rich-quick scam from the very beginning.”
Gordon Sumner — otherwise known as Sting, one of the world’s best-selling musicians — and his wife, producer Trudie Styler, have listed their penthouse apartment at 15 Central Park West for $56 million.
They bought the home for $26.98 million in 2008. The real estate-savvy duo has already bought a massive unit at nearby 220 Central Park South.
15 CPW, as its colloquially known, is one of the “world’s most powerful addresses.” The sprawling penthouse pad takes up 5,400 square feet over two stories on the 16th and 17th floors. The listing brokers are Corcoran’s Deborah Kern and Sotheby’s International Realty’s Suzun J. Bennet. The listing was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.
The interiors were designed by Lee F. Mindel, of Shelton, Mindel & Associates.
The three-bedroom, 5 1/2-bathroom penthouse duplex features a master suite with two dressing rooms and two bathrooms — one of which has Central Park views from the soaking tub.

The rooms here are far more sedate than the red, bordello-style bedroom in their previous apartment, at 88 Central Park West, which was featured in numerous shelter magazine stories over the years. (The couple sold that unit for $19 million in 2010.)
The couple, known to be foodies who love to entertain, had an all-white chef’s catering kitchen with two fridges, four ovens and three dishwashers at 15 CPW.
The penthouse also comes with a cozy 400-square-foot heated terrace that is shielded from prying paparazzi by a canopy.
Both 15 Central Park West and 220 Central Park South are designed by starchitect Robert A.M. Stern, who once described them to Gimme Shelter as “limestone cousins.”
220 CPS is also known as the “2.0” version of 15 CPW. Both limestone buildings come with two towers, a motor court, a library, a screening room, a wine cellar, a gym and private-club style restaurant dining rooms.
Such building amenities are pricey. Maintenance on Sting and Styler’s 15 CPW penthouse is a hefty $10,852 a month.
Past or present residents include actors Robert De Niro and Denzel Washington, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein and former Citigroup chief Sandy Weill, NASCAR driver Jeff Gorden and former Yankee Alex Rodriguez.

Now that the 2017 Met Gala has come and gone, Hollywood is already gearing up for the next big event of the year. In fact, a list of some of the hottest stars in the music industry right now was just released, all of which are slated to perform at this year’s upcoming Billboard Music Awards.
In a recent announcement, the music outlet announced that they will be welcoming Drake, Bruno Mars, Celine Dion, Ed Sheeran, amongst several other musicians to the stage. In addition, it was previously revealed that former Fifth Harmony starlet Camila Cabello would be performing her latest single “Hey Ma” with Pitbull and J Balvin. This marks the second time that Camila has performed on the big stage since announcing her official departure from the X Factor-created girl band.
In terms of award nominees, Drake and The Chainsmokers reign supreme with 22 nominations each. Not far behind is the band Twenty One Pilots and Barbados-beauty Rihanna, who got 17 and 14 nominations, respectively.
You can catch all of 2017 Billboard Music Awards action when the show airs live on ABC on Sunday, May 21 from the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
The post Bear Grylls happy to be part of Liam Payne’s life plus Jimmy Kimmel appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Ricki Reay