‘The Bachelorette’ 1211 JoJo Fletcher gets Jordan Rodgers for not so happily after
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Yet another season of The Bachelorette has seemingly flown by, as this week marked the end of the show’s 12th season. For the past few weeks, Dallas-born beauty Jojo Fletcher has been slowly picking through a large group of men who believed she was the one for them. This week Jojo was left to decide which of the final two contestants, Robby or Jordan, she would hand the last rose to.
The episode kicks off back in Thailand where Jojo brings Jordan to meet her family. Before getting deep into discussion, Jordan presents Jojo’s family with a bunch of playful hats he had picked up for them at the local market.
Jojo’s mother Soraya admits that while Jordan is very likable, he seems like a “playboy” (which is most likely her way of saying player). She talks briefly with the former NFL player and makes him swear that he will “never break [her] daughter’s heart.” Soraya warns her daughter about Jordan, as she is still skeptical about whether he is truly the right match for her. However, Jojo seems pretty unwavering when it comes to her feelings for Jordan.
Shortly after, Jordan spends some quality time with Jojo’s father. Much like his conversation with Soraya, there isn’t any immediate spark between the two [potential] future in-laws. Initially, Jordan was hoping to ask Jojo’s father for his blessing in asking for his daughter’s hand in marriage. However, he opts not to do so after realizing that they would still be meeting with Robby afterward and thus, have things to work through in that regard. In confession, Jojo naively states that she is “pretty confident Jordan asked permission [to propose to me].”
On the way out, Jojo tries to reassure Jordan that everything went great with her parents.

Next, Jojo brings her other contender Robby to meet her family. Bearing gifts as well, Robby gives Soraya a beautiful bouquet of flowers while wishing her a “Happy Mother’s Day.” Almost right off the bat, it is evident that Jojo’s family has a greater liking for Robby than they do for Jordan.
Robby discusses very similar things with Soraya and also winds up promising her that he will not break Jojo’s heart. He was able to win Jojo’s mom over by continuously raving about how much he loved and cared for her daughter. Soraya admits that she felt Robby was a much more genuine person than Jordan. Robby does everything in his power to act like a gentleman, even going as far as addressing Jojo’s father as “Dr. Fletcher.”
Unlike Jordan, Robby’s visit goes smoothly, and he ends up sitting Jojo’s parents down for a very special conversation. Robby asks both her mother and her father for their blessings in him proposing to Jojo. He promises them that he will make Jojo his “priority” for the rest of his life. Subsequently, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher give Robby their blessings, as they are clearly moved by Robby’s emotional proclamation of love.
After both finalists finish their meet-and-greets with Jojo’s family, Jojo sits down and talks privately with her parents. Jojo is shocked when they reveal that Jordan did not, in fact, ask for their permission to propose. This triggers an argument, as Jojo is clearly not happy with how biased her parents are towards Robby. From this, it is quite evident that Jojo was leaning towards Jordan before the family meet-up, however following the meet-up she is much more torn between the final two.
Jojo has her final date with Robby before the last rose ceremony. The two enjoy a fun day on the beach, as they splash around and try to keep things playful before Jojo’s big decision. While having a picnic, Robby opens up about what he has already been envisioning their future together to be like. He confesses that he wants to start having children within the next few years. Jojo and Robby then head back to the hotel, where Robby gifts Jojo with an album filled with photos of the two of them from the last few weeks. Jojo confesses to Robby that she wholeheartedly trusts him at this point, which is truly a big deal for her. In confessional, Jojo admits that Robby is exactly what she has “been waiting for” and that what she feels for him is “true love.”
The next day, Jojo joins Jordan for their last date together before the ceremony. The duo takes a boat ride out into the ocean and later board a kayak to paddle to a completely remote area. Considering how the family meet-up went, Jojo admits in confessional that while Jordan is her “best friend,” she still has “fears” about giving him the final rose.
Once settled in, Jordan and Jojo talk about the family meet-up. Jordan confesses that while he wanted to, he didn’t end up asking for Jojo’s parents’ blessings. Jojo is notably upset, as she explains that she has always envisioned her future husband asking her father for his blessing in proposing to his little girl. Jordan claims that he didn’t ask because he wasn’t sure if he would even get the chance to get down on one knee. He then adds that he isn’t even sure if he is ready to propose – which he quickly tries to backtrack.
Later in the day, Jordan attempts to turn things around by explaining that he wishes he could re-do what happened at his meeting with Jojo’s parents. He tells her that he is completely ready to propose to her and wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with her. While Jojo doesn’t seem completely convinced, it is clear that she is still not sure whether she is going to choose Robby or Jordan at this point.
The morning of the final rose ceremony arrives, and Jordan realizes how big of a mistake he has made. He takes it upon himself to call up Jojo’s mother and father, asking for their permission to propose to their daughter. Fortunately, he is able to get their blessing and is now set to get down on one knee (if he is given the chance, of course). After making the phone call, Jordan writes a love-filled note to Jojo, explaining that he has officially gotten her parents’ blessings.
The episode ends off with Robby meeting up with host Chris Harrison, who escorts him down to the bachelorette. Immediately, Robby grabs ahold of Jojo’s hands and professes his deep love for her. He tells her that he will love her until the day she dies – but this is where Jojo cuts him off. She hesitantly tells him, “I woke up this morning wanting it to be you. Every day I’ve wanted it to be you. I fell in love with you, but for some reason my heart is somewhere else.” Robby tries to keep composed through the sudden break-up and tells Jojo “good luck,” as well as wishes for her happiness before leaving. In the car, Robby confesses that he is “really, really confused” with her decision, as she had just told him she loved him.
Next, Jordan finally walks in and starts his whole spiel. He tells the Bachelorette, “I’m going to wake up every morning and choose you over, and over again.” Jojo interrupts and gushes that she is completely in love with him. Subsequently, Jordan nervously gets down on one knee and asks for Jojo’s hand in marriage. With tears of joy spilling from her eyes, Jojo responds “yes.”
Thus, after 9 weeks of drama, romance and eventually love, Jordan and Jojo are now officially engaged to be married! Scroll down past the Most Awkward moments of the finale to see that things didn’t turn out to be the fairytale she hoped for.
You can catch Bachelor in Paradise when it premieres tomorrow, Tuesday, August 2nd on ABC.

The Most Awkward Moments of The Bachelorette Season 12 Finale
9. We never learned what was in Santa’s box
All the way back in Episode 1, Nick “Santa” B. brought JoJo a gift. She never unwrapped it that night. For all we know, she stil never unwrapped it and it’s just sitting in a cabinet Bachelor Mansion somewhere, waiting for some girl to find it on The Bachelor next season.
8. Robby not admitting to drinking wine out of the bottle like JoJo’s mom
When Robby was meeting JoJo’s family, she prompted him to tell them about the gift he brought her the first night. He said he brought her a “personalized wine bottle.” But that’s not the whole story! He opened that bottle and drank from it directly, which was a joke about how JoJo’s mom drank wine straight from the bottle during Ben’s hometown visit on The Bachelor last season. He was supposed to say that he was making fun of her a little bit, and he lied by omission.
7. Robby’s style was just not working
Robby looks a little weird — too perfectly groomed — under the best of circumstances, but he was extremely overstyled tonight. The picture above on the right says it all. He looked more like a bloated banker on his way to another lunch at Cipriani. Robby made all kinds of choices I do not agree with. I did not agree with his choice to wear a long-sleeved shirt and shorts. That combo always looks confused to me. I did not agree with his tie and pocket square and cloth boutonnière. He should have gone with one or the other. Both the pocket square and boutonnière was overdoing it. I did not agree with his engagement ring choice. I did not agree with his choice to appear on TV wearing hotel room slippers although at least he was comfortable while looking rather uncomfortable many times. I did agree with his cobalt blue suit for the rose ceremony. That looked good. And it was gratifying to see him combing his hair.
6. They didn’t even announce the next Bachelor!
Three hours of The Bachelorette and no real news to report. I guess we’ll have to wait until the finale of Bachelor In Paradise to find out whether it’s Luke or Chase.
5.“After our overnight — which was awesome –“
Lol, Robby, chill! Had to slip that in, didn’t you?
4.Jordan’s reaction when Chris Harrison says maybe Aaron Rodgers will come to the wedding
Jordan still doesn’t want to talk about his famous estranged brother. He’s still not speaking to Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers. When Chris Harrison made the comment about Aaron coming to the wedding, Jordan made a grin of pain and a sound like “grrrah.” First of all, there’s not going to be a wedding. Second of all, don’t get into the middle of this, Chris Harrison!
3. Chris Harrison showing JoJo and Jordan magazine covers that say mean things about them
Was it really necessary to make JoJo look at an Us Weekly with the headline “Falling for a Fraud?” It just felt needlessly cruel. If the articles aren’t true, why give them this power? This show was so mean to JoJo all season.
2. I don’t believe that asking for Dad’s permission was important to Jordan
Jordan’s failure to ask JoJo’s father for her hand in marriage when they met face-to-face was a big point of controversy this episode because Jordan made a big to-do about how getting his future father-in-law’s permission was so important to him. That was a big point of discussion in last week’s episode, t0o. I didn’t buy it then, and I didn’t buy it now. I just don’t buy Jordan as a traditional guy who really cares about making his significant other’s family happy. I think he’s a “playboy.” There was a very telling moment where he slipped and mentioned that JoJo said it would be important for the man who would propose to her to ask her father for permission. It didn’t matter to Jordan at all. He was just telling her what she wanted to hear, and then when he was called upon to follow through he backed down because he wasn’t actually so invested as to be willing to bear the discomfort. When she was mad at him when he admitted he didn’t ask, he said basically that he didn’t want to ask a question he didn’t know the answer to and put himself out there and get rejected. If it really was important, he would have done it anyway. But it wasn’t, so he didn’t. The cognitive dissonance of being repeatedly told something I could see was not true was awkward to watch. And speaking of not believing what I’m being told…
1. I straight-up don’t believe that JoJo was equally in love with both dudes
It was Jordan from the start. From the moment she saw him. There was never anyone else. Maybe to some degree she wanted it to be Robby since Robby seems nicer and more aligned with the family values she thinks she wants. Her parents liked Robby better, you know? And JoJo obviously had very strong feelings for Robby. But really, the whole “JoJo is in love with two men” felt like an attempt to recapture some of the drama of the Ben-Lauren-JoJo love triangle from last season. I think JoJo was continuing that narrative that she’d been part of from a different angle. Ben genuinely seemed torn between Lauren and JoJo, even though Lauren was obviously the right choice for him, and he knew it deep down all along but really couldn’t decide. I didn’t get that sense watching JoJo. It feels more like JoJo had such strong reservations about Jordan that she was willing to entertain the possibility of choosing Robby so as to not make a heartbreaking mistake. I wouldn’t go so far as to suggest that JoJo’s conundrum was entirely manufactured for the cameras, because I don’t think JoJo is an actress. But I don’t think it was anywhere near as serious as the show made it out to be, which made for really boring, annoying, frustrating television, because so much time was devoted to the storyline I was wasn’t buying. The constant talk about JoJo’s uncertainty and the things Jordan did wrong just telegraphed that this relationship is not going to last.

JoJo Fletcher learns The Bachelorette lesson of ‘Love Isn’t Forever, Just the Bad Memories Are’
Although Bachelorette JoJo Fletcher has candidly spoken about her connection with now-fiancé Jordan Rodgers, the reality star admits that life after the last rose hasn’t been easy.
“I’ll be honest – it’s been difficult,” Fletcher, 25, said on Monday night’s The Bachelorette: After the Final Rose. “I think the hardest part has been, you know, my entire life I’ve envisioned getting engaged and having this moment where just everybody can see the love that you have for one another and that there’s this overwhelming amount of positivity and support.”
However, her engagement to Rodgers – whom she chose over Robby Hayes inMonday night’s Bachelorette finale – has been far from what she imagined, and Fletcher also spoke about how their relationship has been met with much criticism. The fact that the pair couldn’t be open about their relationship until the show aired added extra stress to the couple.
“I think the hardest part for me is just having people say, ‘Oh he doesn’t really love you, this is for the show.’ That hurts me,” she added. “There have been many nights where I’ve cried myself to sleep, and he’s been the person on the phone with me just trying to keep my okay, and I feel like it’s been really hard for him. [Before] this point, we can’t defend each other. We can’t show our love, we can’t show our relationship, so that’s been tough.”
Despite the struggles that have come with letting their love blossom on national television, Fletcher and Rodgers are enjoying their newly-engaged bliss, insisting they’ve never considered breaking up: “That was something that never happened,” says Fletcher.
And the former football player said they expected the curveballs they’ve been thrown and are prepared to take on life together.
“It all goes back to when I got down on one knee,” he said. “I promised on that day that no matter what life throws at us, we’re going to get over that. So it’s been difficult, but that’s what we expected. We expected that there would be bumps, but she’s the person I want to do it with and do life with.”
The post ‘The Bachelorette’ 1211 JoJo Fletcher gets Jordan Rodgers for not so happily after appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Ricki Reay