‘Bachelor in Paradise’ 301 Chad Johnson Rampage aka Urine Trouble
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ABC definitely stepped up their game when it came to the premiere of season 3 of Bachelor in Paradise. Now that Jojo is engaged to Jordan Rodgers and her season of The Bachelorette is all wrapped up, the franchise has kicked off its next reality romance show. On Bachelor in Paradise, a whole slew of Bachelor and Bachelorette alumni spend a few weeks in a tropical paradise. Here, they try to find love amongst themselves. Unfortunately, if they are unable to find a special someone every week they are sent packing.
This season a bunch of the most notable cast members checked into paradise, including: Amanda Stanton (Ben Higgins’ season), Nick Viall (Andi Dorman and Kaitlyn Bristowe’s seasons), Jubilee Sharpe (Ben Higgins’ season), Evan Bass (Jojo Fletcher’s season), Vinny Venter (Jojo Fletcher’s season), Carly Waddell (Chris Soules’ season), Grant Kemp (Jojo Fletcher’s season), Daniel Maguire (Jojo Fletcher’s season), Sarah Herron (Sean Lowe’s season), twins Emily and Haley Ferguson (Ben Higgins’ season), Izzy Goodkind (Ben Higgins’ season), Lace Morris (Ben Higgins’ season), Jared Haibon (Kaitlyn Bristowe’s season) and Chad Johnson (Jojo Fletcher’s season).

Inevitably, bachelors Chad Johnson and Nick Viall’s return to the franchise have been making a lot of waves in the media and on social media. Both of the men earned a villainous reputation while on their Bachelorette seasons. So lots of people are wondering how they will behave while in paradise.
As people started to arrive to this season’s picture-perfect destination (Playa Escondida in Sayulita, Mexico), many of the cast members expressed hesitation in regards to meeting Chad. Fortunately for Chad, there were a few exceptions, notably Izzy, Lace and Sarah – who were fairly excited to get to know him more. In addition, when Chad’s BFF from Jojo’s season Daniel showed up, he inevitably had another ally.
Host Chris Harrison rounded up all of the cast members and announced that for the first week the men would be handing out the roses to the women. Jubilee was given the first date card and right away asked Jared to accompany her. The two enjoyed a romantic dinner together, where they bonded over their love for the blockbuster film franchise The Lord of the Rings.
Meanwhile, Vinny quickly got close with Izzy and their little fling blossomed at record speed. In fact, Vinny even noted in confessional just how surprised he was that he already found a woman he liked so fast.
Early on in the first night, Lace and Chad surprisingly seemed to hit it off. They were seen getting affectionate and joking around with one another. However, things took a sudden turn when Chad blurted out the c-word at her. He tried to backtrack saying he didn’t mean “that type” of c-word, but the damage was already done. They ended up in a pretty expletive-filled fight, and Lace ended their short love story telling the confessional, “I’ve had it with him.”

While Lace was quick to let go of the Chad-train, Chad was clearly not ready to call it a night. In an incredibly drunken state, Chad managed to make enemies with countless of his fellow cast mates. In his drunken rage he exclaimed, “I’ll murder everyone here and build them into a f***ing bottle.” Being the kind Canadian he is, Daniel tried to explain Chad’s intense state. He said, “[Chad’s] on the moon right now, and he can’t come back down. No one’s gonna let him come back own from the moon. On the moon, you might as well look for cheese or whatever they have up there.”

Eventually, Sarah tried to intervene Chad’s rampage and called him out for his reckless and “abusive” behavior. As most Bachelor Nation fans are aware, Sarah was born with one arm and was open about it when she appeared on the Bachelor. Unfortunately, Chad decided to take her diversity as an opportunity to bash her. After her attempt at stopping his reign of terror, Chad barked back at Sarah, “F*** that one-armed b***. I don’t give a s***.” His cringe-worthy behavior had pretty much all of the other paradise dwellers on edge, especially Sarah who threatened to leave the show if Chad wasn’t kicked off.
Daniel tried to calm his [presumably former] BFF down, but was unable to do so (Chad proceeded to try and swing at him). Fortunately, it wasn’t long after this that Chad ended up crashing on the ground after stumbling off.

The show resumed with Chad waking up the next day and apparently he had a little accident in his pants the night before. Only a few people expressed sympathy for Chad’s embarrassing predicament, while the majority of the cast members were reveling in what seemed to be karma from what Chad had done the night before. In confessional, Chad showed little remorse for his crazy antics. He simply said, “the only person who should be offended is Army McArmenson” – rudely referencing to Sarah.

Host Chris Harrison once again rounded up all of the cast members and made a shocking announcement. He told Chad, in front of everyone, that they were meant to come to paradise to have fun. However, Chad had undeniably “managed to turn it into Hell.” Chris added, “I saw what you said to Sarah, I saw what you did to Lace. I saw what you did to the staff. Being belligerent to the staff of this hotel…you told everyone at this hotel last night to suck a d***. You had a chance to turn over a new leaf, and you didn’t…I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” And with that Chris, with the support of all the other cast members, sent Chad on his away. Of course, Chris got a nice cursing out from Chad before he actually left paradise.
While Chad’s drunken rage fest was the main focal point of Bachelor in Paradise’s premiere, there were some notable romances beginning to take shape. As mentioned above, Vinny and Izzy were quick to jump into things. In addition, Jubilee is clearly hoping that her LOTR conversation with Jared is enough to get some more quality time with him. Lastly, the villainous Nick Viall was behaving himself and actually seemed to be jiving well with Amanda Stanton.
Next week we will see who is able to make a match in time for the first elimination rose ceremony. The men are in the driver’s seat, as they decide who stays and who goes.
You can catch more Bachelor in Paradise next Monday, August 8 on ABC.
The post ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ 301 Chad Johnson Rampage aka Urine Trouble appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Ricki Reay