Aqib Talib misses White House Visit Due to Gunshot Wound
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I’d like to wish Aqib Talib a quick recovery as he recovers from a gunshot wound suffered early Sunday morning in Dallas. The Broncos cornerback is expected to be released later today and make a full recovery from the leg wound.
Although bad things rarely happen at 2:45 a.m., I guess Talib was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Strip clubs are statistically some of the safest places on the planet. Free-flowing booze, fully naked dancers, firearms, and unbridled testosterone are not usually considered a recipe for disaster.
It’s been theorized the above recipe could have been impacted by the added ingredient of pro athlete arrogance. We did witness Mr. Talib brag about his $80,000 Rolex during media week before the Super Bowl.
Perhaps he was making it rain in the wrong direction inside the V Live club. Might have got on the wrong guy’s nerves and took some shrapnel as a result. We just don’t have all the details on how this quiet night out turned bloody.
Many people will criticize Talib for being at such an establishment in the first place. He does have a wife after all. You know, the one he told the world he would be fornicating with post-Super Bowl.
I’m going to reserve judgment on the man. He was probably just bored with the long offseason and needed some “me time.”
I applaud the man for getting out and about. A real man of the people. It’s just a shame he took a bullet on his one night out. I imagine a guy like Talib spends most nights at home with his family and lots of time teaching wayward kids how to read. Probably logs 20 hours a month volunteering at the soup kitchen.
While the strip club trip did end up going badly, it could have been worse. He could have been killed of course. And he could have been the shooter. He’s been known to brandish a weapon himself. Back in 2011 he and his mom were charged with firing a gun at his sister’s boyfriend, which just goes to show the tightness of the Talib crew.
Talib also could have been assaulting another taxi driver like he did back in 2009. But no, he was doing the responsible thing by enjoying the beauty of the female body at a cotton candy scented strip club.
While it looks like Talib’s career isn’t threatened due to the gunshot, he will miss out on a once in a lifetime opportunity. White House trips don’t come along very often and with Mark Sanchez leading his Broncos next year, don’t look for a SB repeat.
Talib may be well enough to make the trip, but the Secret Service would likely be opposed to having a guy around who has such bad luck with violence. Who knows what would happen if Talib got a few complimentary drinks in him before meeting POTUS.
He could get overzealous during a high five or handshake with Obama. That could surely lead to him taking a bullet from a trained marksman whose sole responsibility is to protect the President.
That gunshot would be more deadly than one coming from another drunk strip club patron. And that’s just not a risk that the normally very cautious Aqib Talib is willing to take.
The post Aqib Talib misses White House Visit Due to Gunshot Wound appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Shane Mclendon