Amber Heard’s biggest payday: 15 months for $20 million
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There is perhaps no bigger celebrity news story in the headlines right now than the Johnny Depp Domestic Violence claim by his soon to be ex-wife Amber Heard. The thing about this entire situation is that there are some aspects of Heard’s story that, well, don’t add up, which ultimately leaves a lot of people scratching their heads and rubbing their chins.
There is really no other way to put it. We here at Movie, TV, Tech Geeks always sympathize with domestic violence victims and will side with the women nearly all the time. With that, when the details of a story this big, this damaging and this unexpected don’t align, we call a spade a spade. Heard’s account of what happened, what she’s asking for in the restraining order (overall) and the timetable of the alleged abuse raises concerns that beg the question- what is this domestic violence claim really about?

Gasp! How dare I further victimize the victim? That’s not necessarily my intention. But let’s be clear- there is a lot of suspicion surrounding her claims that people would like to ignore. For example, the police statement released after Heard’s restraining order was granted,
“On May 21, police responded to a domestic incident radio call in the 800 block of S. Broadway. The person reporting did not insist on a report, nor was there any evidence provided by the victim that warranted a report. Officers’ investigation determined that a crime did not occur. Officers cleared the scene and left a business card. We cannot confirm that a restraining order was sought or obtained.”
She also says in her claim that Depp,
“He then forcibly pulled back my hair as I attempted to stand up from the sofa. Johnny continued screaming at me, pulling my hair, striking me and violently grabbing my face.”
Playing devil’s advocate here, this whole situation indeed looks like a quick move for a financial gain of the highest level. According to a Page Six article, Heard wants more than the 50% she would be entitled to under California marriage laws. She wants $50,000 a month, $125,000 for her legal fees and their three-bedroom downtown LA penthouse, to name a few. Her clear desire for money should be taken into consideration in the grand scheme of things, especially since she complains that she ONLY made $260,000 last year. Um, the last time I checked Amber, that’s well above a decent wage even in California. She said in “her papers,”
“Although Johnny is extremely wealthy, he refuses to provide me with any direct support.”

Who would? It’s a rough situation because all you have is her word against Depp’s, but if I am being honest here, his reputation works in his favor. He is loved by millions and considered one of Hollywood’s A-list actors. Furthermore, his previous wife, Lori Anne Allison, spoke up in his defense. The two were married back in the 80’s, and she said that he never got physical with her, never hurt her and never even raised his voice when angry. According to a TMZ article, he treated his animals better than some parents treat their children. I’m no expert, but it doesn’t seem like a person known for their mild temper and kindness would all of a sudden act in a violent way toward someone, unless that someone, perhaps, drove them to do so. Heard a wild child behavior is no secret and she has said herself that her friends warn lovers about her vengeful ways. She told W Magazine,
“Whenever my old friends meet someone I’m involved with romantically, they immediately warn them: “She may look refined, but when she’s angry, she can go trailer park really fast.”‘

At this point, to me, the more she (her reps/ lawyer) speaks, the more she comes off as an opportunist.
I am all for battered women getting their just due. If a man hits you and you experience abuse, you definitely need to get away and are deserve what’s fair. But too many women have taken advantage of the system, in particular, those who are married to rich men, as a means to come up on some real dough. They put their time in (say 15 months) and then when the moment comes, they strike. And it seems like that could be the case here.
Of course, there is so much more to the story. Johnny Depp, who more than likely doesn’t want to say anything, will have to say something eventually. Right now, he is dealing with a lot including the death of his mother, another movie bomb at the box office and now this very serious accusation.
We spoke with several women who have been true victims of domestic violence about this situation and only 1 out of 14 is giving Heard the benefit of the doubt.
“I’m hoping she’s being honest, but as someone who’s suffered years of domestic abuse, these are not the actions of an abuse victim. This is the type of thing that makes it much harder for those of us in these situations to be taken seriously and get the help that is needed. I wish Amber Heard could spend one week in a women’s shelter for domestic abuse to see what it’s really like. You don’t run out laughing out loud just days after showing up with a bruise and saying your husband beat you,” one ten year survivor of domestic violence stated.
As another said, “Shame on her if she’s using this to get money out of Johnny Depp. She’s only making it harder for real victims out there.”
Only time will tell what the truth is in this situation.
The post Amber Heard’s biggest payday: 15 months for $20 million appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: The Curvy Girl Diva