Sean Spicer looking to move on up at White House
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All those reports about White House press secretary Sean Spicer being let go of his position turned out to be partially right. It’s not surprising that Spicer wants to step away from the unforgiving glare of the press spotlight with so much controversy happening on a daily basis.
So now, he is seeking to take on a more strategic role that would give him a limited presence in the daily press briefings that have made him a prominent face of the Trump administration.
A senior administration official and three people familiar with the potential changes said Monday that Spicer has discussed taking a more senior communications role at the White House. The three people said he has reached out to possible successors at the podium and as communications director. The people spoke on condition of anonymity in order to discuss internal deliberations before a final decision is made.
“We have sought input from many people as we look to expand our communications operation. As he did in the beginning, Sean Spicer is managing both the communications and press office,” said Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a deputy White House press secretary. She declined further comment on the potential changes.
Discussions about overhauling the White House communications office have been ongoing for several weeks, according to the senior administration official. Spicer’s preference is to step away from the press briefings entirely, though other configurations have also been discussed.
It’s unclear how quickly a decision will be made, and, as with all things involving President Donald Trump, the situation could change. Major staffing shake-ups have been a constant subject of conversation at the White House, but have failed to materialize in recent weeks, aside from the departure of communications director Mike Dubke in early June.
The White House has consulted an array of Republicans and Trump allies, including Laura Ingraham, the conservative radio host, and political commentator. However, Ingraham is not expected to take the press secretary position.

David Martosko, the U.S. political editor of London’s Daily Mail, who covered the president’s campaign, has also interviewed for senior communications jobs, according to a person familiar with the interviews who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private deliberations.
With Trump’s feeling on those that have gotten a DUI, Martosko’s chances at landing this job could be slim to none as he’s quite the colorful rap sheet as can be seen just below.
Type Date Offense Location Case/File # Disposition Citation 10/14/2000 Speeding, 51/25 Virginia #013GT0006260600 Found Guilty on 11/16/2000 Citation 7/24/2003 Speeding, 68/50 Virginia #059GT0311426400 Admitted guilt and pre-paid on 9/18/2003 Citation 11/27/2003 Reckless Endangerment, 77/55 Virginia #059GT0319544500 Found Guilty, 1/26/2004 Citation 12/2/2003 Reckless Driving, 87/65 SP Virginia #127GT0300942700 Found Guilty, 3/16/2004 Citation 6/14/2004 Official Sign Virginia #510GT0400997800 Found Guilty In Absentia, 8/27/2004 Citation 2/9/2005 Failure to comply with traffic signal Virginia #GT05002852-00 Admitted guilt and pre-paid $50 fine Citation 10/3/2005 Seat Belt Violation Virginia #059GT0522750300 Found Not Guilty, 1/3/2006 Citation 10/3/2005 Speeding, 58/40 Virginia #059GT0522750500 Found Guilty, 1/3/2006 Citation 8/3/2006 Failure To Obey Highway Sign Virginia #059GT0618300900 Admitted guilt and pre-paid on 10/3/2006 Citation 5/29/2007 Failure To Obey Highway Sign Virginia #059GT0711322900 Admitted guilt and pre-paid on 8/27/2007 Citation 5/8/2008 Speeding, 56/35 Virginia #059GT0811165500 Granted nolle prosequi, 8/28/2008 Arrest 9/29/2008 DWI 1st Offense, 87/65 SP Virginia #179GT0802070600
179GM3290802866 Found Guilty, 12/5/2008
$300 fine
60 days jail (suspended conditional on completion of alcohol counseling)
mandatory VASAP counseling
drivers license suspended 12 months
restricted drivers license Arrest 9/29/2008 Vehicle Improperly Stopped on Hwy Virginia #179GT0802071600 Found Guilty, 12/5/2008 Arrest 9/29/2008 Refused Blood/Breath Test Virginia #179GT0802071500 Granted nolle prosequi, 12/5/2008 Arrest 9/29/2008 Drinking While Operating Vehicle Virginia #179GT0802071600 Granted nolle prosequi, 12/5/2008 Citation 3/7/2010 Speeding, 70/40
originally charged with reckless driving, 70/40) Virginia #GT10042610-00 Guilty Arrest 07/08/2010 Trespass on school/church property at night (Class III Misdemeanor) Virginia #GC10134849-00 Granted nolle prosequi, 5/10/2011 Arrest 07/08/2010 Public Swearing / Intoxication Virginia #GC10138068-00 Granted nolle prosequi, 5/10/2011
The Human Society spoke out in December 2016 when it appeared that Martosko was up for the job that Spicer wound up getting. Their strong statements had an effect to squelch his advancement, and you can be sure they will speak up again after having years of personal experience with the former CCF worker.
“His principal background experience is not in credible journalism but rests on his years of work with a discredited not-for-profit called the Center for Consumer Freedom, run as a self-enrichment scheme by Washington, D.C. public relations operative Richard Berman.
The possible changes for Spicer were first reported by Bloomberg News and Politico.
Spicer’s public role has already diminished in recent weeks.
The White House has increasingly tapped Cabinet officials and other White House advisers to address reporters on camera and moved to take some of the daily briefings off cable television to keep the focus on Trump, who makes a habit of watching the televised performances.
Spicer spoke Monday from the podium at an off-camera gaggle that barred broadcast outlets from using the audio of the question-and-answer session. Asked about the changes, Spicer said Trump had spoken before cameras during an Oval Office meeting with the president of Panama and would later make remarks in front of the media at an event with technology leaders.
“There are days that I’ll decide that the president’s voice should be the one that speaks and iterate his priorities,” Spicer said.
The White House has generally used that rationale only on days that the president has held a news conference or delivered a major speech.
Spicer’s briefings have been must-see TV during the start of the Trump era, beginning with his fiery, inaccurate claim that journalists wrongly portrayed the size of Trump’s inauguration audience. He has been the subject of recurring skits by comic Melissa McCarthy on “Saturday Night Live” and his afternoon briefings have garnered strong ratings.
In April the former Republican National Committee strategist apologized for making an “inappropriate and insensitive” statement comparing Adolf Hitler to Syrian President Bashar Assad by suggesting Hitler “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.” His comments ignored Hitler’s use of gas chambers to kill Jews.
Trump threatened in May to shut down daily press briefings and told Fox News Channel at the time that Spicer was “doing a good job, but he gets beat up.”
The president has long seen himself as his most effective spokesman, and has faulted his communications team for much of the early turbulence at the White House as well as the backlash from the firing of FBI Director James Comey.
The post Sean Spicer looking to move on up at White House appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Shanka Cheryl