Pokemon Go helps keep depression and anxiety at bay
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Understanding How Pokemon Go Can Help Keep Depression and Anxiety at Bay
The phenomenon called Pokemon Go has become even more popular than ever, and millions of people are playing it daily around the world. Naturally, some people dismiss it as just a game or passing fad, but there are many others who proudly state that Pokemon Go is the best thing that has happened to them.
After they’ve started playing the game, they feel more energetic and they’re less prone to negative feelings. People all over the world suffer from depression, feelings of misery, unhappiness, anxiety and other negative thoughts.
Once they started walking about looking for Pokemon and doing battles at Gyms, their moods picked up and they felt much happier. There are many reasons for this. In this article, we’ll look at how Pokemon Go is more than just a game and how it can affect other areas of your life too.
Increased activity
Pokemon Go has made people more active than ever before. In the past, going for a 20 minute walk was a Herculean task… but now, they’ll willingly walk anywhere from 2km to 8km just to hatch a few Pokemon eggs and get some Stardust.
There is no denying that when your body gets sufficient exercise, you feel better. Endorphins are released and you feel happier. Feelings of depression or unhappiness will diminish or even disappear because your body is active.

Mental shift
Pokemon Go is fun. There’s no denying it. It is adventurous, exciting and it makes our world seem like a fantasy while you’re playing it. PokeStops and Pikachus could appear anywhere and you’ll feel like an adventurer looking for them.
Since your mind is so focused on searching and achieving certain goals, you have no time to sit around feeling sorry for yourself. An idle mind is a devil’s workshop and Pokemon Go leaves you very little time to be idle. There will be a mental shift within you that makes you feel better.
Meet new people
Many people who’re suffering from depression isolate themselves away from the world and wallow in their own misery. This is a very heavy burden to bear. Pokemon Go will force you to leave your house because you need to find Gyms to do battle in.
You’ll meet other people and become members of their team. This will lead to more interaction and you may form friendships that make you feel better. Pokemon Go has made many introverts gain social skills.
You become competitive
This is a very good mindset to have because people who’re sad or unhappy have usually given up on life and just exist instead of living. Pokemon Go makes you competitive. You’ll want to win and capture more Pokemon.
There is a sense of accomplishment when you win battles or successfully capture a Pikachu. This will do wonders for your self-esteem and since most feelings of unhappiness stems from a sense of inadequacy, this competitive mindset and accomplishments will give you faith in yourself.
This is a highly affordable game. For starters, the app is free, and anyone with a smartphone can download it and play it. Even if you wish to buy PokeCoins or other stuff from the shop later, you’ll not need to take a second mortgage on your house to afford it.
A tight budget can force people to eliminate most fun activities because they just can’t afford it. Pokemon Go gives you an outlet to have some fun and lift your sagging spirits.
Bond with loved ones
It’s normal to be so consumed by work or your own problems that you end up neglecting your loved ones. This leads to more friction and more unhappiness. This is a vicious cycle.
Now with Pokemon Go, you can play it with your partner and kids… and it’s recommended that you do because you can keep an eye on your children as they run around looking for potions and stuff.
This time with your family and loved ones will make you feel happier and you’ll bond with them like you’ve never done before. Pokemon Go gets everybody on the same page and is awesome fun. No video game gets any better than this.
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